{25} Lions In The Badgers Den

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Sleep. Oh how Holly just wished for one more hour of sleep. Then she would feel rested. But sadly, her dorm-mates were awake and their walking and their talking, getting ready and being plain loud; woke Holly up. Now that she was up, she was bum tired and just wanted more rest. She would actually prefer it, if she could just lay and sleep there forever.

She didn't want to go to class. She didn't care enough to learn. But she knew that if she got her wish; sleeping for her entire life and not going to class or getting marks. Her mother would somehow break through Dumbledore's spell and apparate right into her dorm and wake her up simply by the sheer power of will.

Of course Holly was not tired for no reason. No, there were a few reasons she wanted to bury herself in bed and not get up. The First was James Potter. Holly was forced to attend another one of James' meetings as their last one hadn't made any progress. James was still holding onto that hogsmead date idea. Holly wasn't sure it was ever going to happen but she had to applaud the boy. He was persistent.

The second reason being the one that hurt the most. Her friends. Because even after all those hours of hearing James makes plans on how to woo Lily; and even have to give her own advice on the matter, James left and then began the real ridiculousness of the night. The plans for how 'James is going to fall in love with Holly'. She swore sometimes that those boys shared one brain cell. But then she would feel bad she thought that and justified it by saying it was a very big brain cell.

But on top of James' plans and the hours she was not sleeping, she then had to continue to stay up and listen to her own ridiculous plans. Her friends giving her suggestion after suggestion and all Holly had the energy for was saying no. Holly had spent most of the night in that classroom. By the time she had been allowed to leave, the sun was starting to come up. So Holly had all in all gotten very little sleep.

The room had quieted down and Holly smiled, sure she was going to be able to go back to sleep. Suddenly the curtains around her bed were sprung open. Holly instantly groans, digging her head into her dark pillow.

"Come on, get up." Mary-Anne says. Holly groans in response.

"I will douse a bucket of water on your head. You know as well as I that we just learned the water conjuring charm." Brie said. Holly turned over on her stomach and glared at Brie.

"You wouldn't dare." She said lowly and unsure. Brie raised a brow.

"Wouldn't I?"

Mary-Anne looked between them. Before a duel could start, she quickly caught Holly's attention.

"It's important, you need to be at breakfast this morning." Mary-Anne whines, tugging on Holly's blanket.

"Why?" Holly whined back. Struggling against Mary-Anne as each of them tugged on the blanket.

"Everyone is waiting for you down in front of the great hall." Brie explained. Holly ripped her blanket back in her hand and snuggled into it, laying on her side and facing Brie.

"Tell them to go ahead without me." Holly mumbled tiredly.

Before Holly's tired mind could comprehend what was happening, her pillow was stolen from under her head. She wondered where it was when Mary-Anne started hitting her with it. I guess that's where it was.

"You. Are. Going. To. Breakfast! Get up now." Mary-Anne says sternly. Holly and Brie look at her wide eyed. Mary-Anne was breathing heavily, nostrils flaring as she stood strongly- threateningly.

"I'll get up." Holly says softly. Mary-Anne immediately starts calming down. All the way till she smiles. Brie, still looking worried, walks over holds an arm around Mary-Anne's shoulders. They start walking to the door.

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