{13} Having The Emotional Delicacy of a Feather

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Has there ever been a person in your life- but wasn't really in your life? You see them around and you know of them. You know how they generally act. You think you know a persons personality. But then they let you in. They show you how they actually feel, how they take and understand things. You see a whole other part of them that you were almost positive- didn't exist? Then by the time you manage to see that side from them, you don't know how to react?

Well that was how Holly felt once she saw how the once seemingly charismatic and untouchable James Potter get so cheesed off once she asked some understandable confusions about his relationship with Lily.

It had now been seven- count them- seven days since James Potter had even glanced in her direction. He hadn't spoken to her, looked at her, or spent time in her general vicinity besides lessons and meals where they were forced together in a room. This wasn't from Holly not trying either. She had actually made multiple attempts to talk to him over the past week.

Holly kept glancing over at James as they continued through their potions lesson. Holly would get up, walk a few steps over to him, then walk back. This happened about four times. Finally, Holly had enough of herself and plucked up the courage. She waltzed right up to James.

"James, hello. I am hoping to discuss our argument the other day. I hope you'll let me understand," Holly says to his back as she nervously grips her hands together. James doesn't turn around but merely hurried up, finishing a potion he was making. "You see, I swear I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I just-"

Holly went to continue when James backed away from his chair and smashed a potion on the ground. A few people close by, gasped or screamed as smoke floated up around James' body.

"James? James?!" She shouted, waving at the smoke to make it go away. She was fearful his potion had gone wrong and something had happened to him.

But when the smoke cleared, James was no longer there. Holly instantly frowned deeply. She couldn't help but think the whole stunt was just to get away from her.

Her next attempt resided at the pitch.

Holly had entered the pitch waiting for Hufflepuff to show up when she saw the Gryffindor practice was going on. The Ravenclaw vs Slytherin match was tonight and Gryffindor needed to be ready because whoever won, they were going to play.

She watched their team in awe. As a quidditch fanatic, she had to admit that they were pretty damn good. As they all started descending from the sky, Holly kept a trained eye on James Potter. He gracefully landed on the ground and swung his leg off the broom. He let the broom fall onto the ground as he began taking off his gear. Holly one again and to recollect her courage in order to walk up to him. I mean, last time he literally created a potion to transport himself away from talking to her. She walked up him and smiled nervously. James instantly stiffened and continued looking down at his gear.

"Please talk to me- or even just listen. You don't need to look or talk to me. Just let me apologize, James. Please." Holly begged. James began to lift his head. Holly smiled widely before James merely looked around and grabbed his wand from out of his shirt.

"Accio broom." James muttered plainly. The broom whooshed into his hand. He mounted the broom and kicked off, all without looking at her. Holly frowned deeply.

"I can't believe this." She muttered.

On top of everything else going wrong, Slytherin had won that night. Again. Seems Ravenclaw didn't learn from their scrimmage. So now Hufflepuff had to play against Ravenclaw and soon, Gryffindor was going to play against Slytherin.

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