{27} That Annoying Little Snitch

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Holly and the Marauders were all huddled around James and Sirius' desk that day in defense against the dark arts. Remus had taken a chair and leaned back, resting his feet near James' area on the desk. Peter had dragged a chair near Sirius and turned it around, leaning his front against the chairs back. Holly had acquired an empty desk and sat on top it. The five were messing around and talking before the lesson started.

Though Sirius had quickly grown bored as most of the attention wasn't on him. James was drawing, Remus and Holly were reading, and Peter was also trying to talk. So instead of fighting or complaining about it, Sirius leaned back and let Peter start talking. Peter instantly turned to Holly, making Sirius frown that much more.

"Holly! I couldn't wait till break to try some of those recipes with me mum so I went down to the kitchens a few nights ago. I thought about asking you to come but I thought you might not want the bother. Anyway, I went into the kitchens and got a house elf to help me and we used of a few of those recipes. The ones you got me for Christmas remember? They were so delicious; I really just wanted to thank you for them. Mum and Gran are going to be so thrilled to try new things, and I'm sure they're gonna enjoy the recipes. I also wanted you to know they'll be put to good use, because sometimes, you know, people don't use Christmas gifts that often. But I wanted to use them because I really appreciated them!" Sirius' chuckling interrupted them.

"She isn't listening, mate. Her and Remus are nerds who use their free time to study and read." Sirius said. Holly then looked up at him. Thinking the word 'study' had trigger her attention, Sirius throws himself into a laughing fit. Clutching his stomach as he leant over the desk.

"What?" Holly asks, wondering what in helga's green garden was so funny. Sirius waved a hand as his laughter died down.

"Nothing, it was nothing, Hutton." Sirius said lightly.

"Well I want to know what was so funny? I mean, what's funny about Peter telling me he was using the recipes I gave him for Christmas?" Holly said casually, though she knew he didn't know she was at least half paying attention to what Peter was saying. Sirius' jaw drops while Peter beams up at her. Remus lets out a little chuckle and James even lifts his gaze from his 'art' and grins at the shocked boy. Holly closes the book and makes direct eye contact with Sirius.

"So what if I like and need to study? The whole lot knows you four get exceptionally high marks and have no need for such things, but some people, actually need to work hard to get what they want." Holly sasses him. Sirius regains his composer and smirks at her.

"Why work for what you want when it usually always comes right to you." Sirius says, loosing concentration as his gaze falls onto something behind Holly. She turns her torso, following his gaze to see it land on Mary-Anne.

"Not everything, I see." Holly says with a grin. Sirius instantly snaps over to look at Holly with narrowed eyes. The whole group knowing his interest in the certain beauty, start howling in laughter, Peter even gaining enough confidence to tease the boy about it.

Their laughter soon fades and Holly looked over at a still grinning James. She tries peering over at his parchment but his arm circling it, hid the picture well.

"What're you drawing there, Potter?" Holly asks, a playful smile on her face. James' face snaps up to meet them, a panicked and wide-eyed look on his face. He chuckles nervously, looking around at all of them.

"Nothing." James snaps, causing Holly's smile to widen, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Well it's gotta be something." Holly says lightly. James just shakes his head.

"It's really nothing." James reiterates. Sirius fries to look over but James throws his arms on it.

"Come on show me." She says, leaping off the desk and walking over. James laughs again nervously.

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