{28} Why Does Magic Have To Effect My Nose?

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Holly didn't manage to get much sleep that Sunday night. Her thoughts were still all over the place, leaving her restless and not tired. She laid awake in her bed, wondering if her and David had talked as lovers do. Their conversation was lightly and seemed the same as every other conversation they had. But Holly didn't feel anything special. She didn't feel her heart beat race as she saw him, she didn't feel as if she were walking on clouds just by his presence. Holly hadn't felt any different towards the boy than she had when they were friends.

But she wondered if that meant she had always liked him or if she never liked him. Were relationships meant to be that boring? She didn't believe so. Holly never thought much about romance. She didn't believe she ever had the time. But when she allowed herself to fantasize about how it would be like when she met her someone special, awkward conversation and tea and Madame Puddifoots was not what Holly imagined. Holly was not a girl that liked to look through shops. Holly was not one to care if she knew all the latest Wizarding robe trends. Holly had her enjoyments in life and she was stuck on them.

But David, who had been her friend for most of her time at Hogwarts, didn't seem to know that. And she didn't understand how? She had thought they were closer than that. It didn't entirely matter now anyway... Holly was pretty sure that she did not fancy David. She loved him; as a friend. That was all. The two had their things that they bonded over. Quidditch. Their intense love for the game had brought them close as friends. But it didn't really push them past that and into a relationship.

Besides... there was also James to think about. She fancied him very much. She believed herself a fool for thinking she could try and focus on a past crush that was dull in comparison to how she felt about James. She felt bad that she had dragged David through a date, only to come to this realization now. But it seemed it was necessary in order to realize what Holly needed and wanted. Holly needed to focus on herself and moving past James before she could ever let herself crush on another man. Preferably a man who didn't have an intense crush on someone else.

Holly didn't feel like doing a lot of things on Sunday. She didn't feel like telling her two best friends that she had went on a date with their other friend. She didn't feel like telling the Marauders how her date went. The boys would have asked way too many questions that would've quickly overwhelmed Holly. James probably would've teased her ruthlessly. Holly couldn't handle that. But most of all, she couldn't handle seeing David. She didn't want to talk about their date, or plan another one. She needed to figure out the easiest way to let him down. She had hoped he only wanted the one date, or maybe he too had felt their date was off and wouldn't bring up asking for another.

Her friends had sent how word to the Marauders that she needed to study and would spend all Sunday in the dorm. Holly was sure her friends didn't know yet. She was relieved and she also needed to figure out how she was going to explain everything to them. Brie had come back and informed Holly that James had shot back 'That is such a lie! She's probably with the bloody wanker right now.'

Holly didn't understand his attitude. She chalked it up to James being jealous. Holly was actually getting somewhere with her 'crush' while James had been stuck trying with Lily for years.

Now it was Monday morning and Holly had managed to get zero hours of sleep. She still didn't feel tired but she knew she would crash eventually. She slipped out of bed, hoping breakfast was already being served. She needed to stuff her face. She looked around at all her roommates. Brie's loud snoring, Mary-Anne and the weird angles her body moved to whilst asleep, and then the two other girls in their room that they had never managed to get close to. Holly slips on her robes, getting ready for the day before leaving the common room and heading to the kitchens.

Walking up to the fruit bowl painting, she leaned over and tickled the pear. It let out a laugh before the painting opened. Holly looked in, seeing the elves buzzing around, cooking loads of food and popping them upstairs to the tables. Holly stepped in and tried to look through the sea of elves for her friend.

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