{29} An Unfair Game Of Hide And Seek

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Holly walks down the corridors, looking at every person that passes her. She wonders if they know what she's going? Where she's going? If this secret got out because of her... she would never forgive herself. She pulled her hood tighter over her head. For some reason, as a person who had never needed to go to the hospital wing, she thought it would seem strange for her to be heading there when she herself wasn't sick.

She had been up all night. She hadn't managed to get a wink of sleep. She was too busy worrying about everything. As was usual for her. But this was different. This was way worse. It had been five days since Friday and last night, Remus had gone through another one of his transitions. As was their usual routine, the boys were to take Remus to the hospital wing the day after. Holly always worried the night of his transitions and she would usually visit but this month, Remus had looked sicker than usual before it happened.

Holly had been so worried that she actually went to see the boys before they left for the shrieking shack.

Holly waited patiently outside their common room. She was still way to nervous to actually go inside the place. The painting opened and the boys walked out. Remus was already weak, needing to be help up, an arm around James and Sirius' shoulders to assist him with walking. Peter held the door open for them.

"What are you doing here, Holly?" Remus croaked out. His face was drained of color and he was already sweating. The transition was soon.

"I needed to see you off, Remus. Oh, you look sickly," Holly frowned, stepping up to feel his forehead "You're already burning up, what made you guys leave so late?" Holly asked, not even bothering to look at James for an answer. He still seemed to be avoiding her and her gaze.

"Bloody prefects." Sirius grumbled. Holly frowned.

"Well get down there, quick. Get him on the bed. I snuck some ice packs, bandages, and ointments down there earlier. Make sure the night goes alright." Holly says, worry flowing all through her body. Sirius, Remus, and Peter all chuckle.

"We've been doing this longer than you've known about the secret, Holly. We've been doing alright and we'll continue to be alright. You don't have to worry about anything." Sirius assures her. Holly looks down at the floor, embarrassed for a bit. She looks back up to meet his eye.

"I know you have. But now I do know and I want to help. I need to help. So let me. Please. I worry about Remus too and I want to do my part in making sure the night goes alright." Holly expresses. The boys quiet down. Remus shrugs his arms off the boys and trips over to her. He winds his arms around her in a hug, a hug she quickly returns.

"I'll be fine. Thank you for what you've done for me. Thank you for caring, because I care about you too Holly," Remus says quietly. They both lean out of the hug. "And because I care about you, I'm ordering you as a prefect to go back to your dorm and get some sleep." He joked. She smiled, managing a small laugh. They both knew he couldn't do much as she was a Hufflepuff but she nodded. Sirius and James grabbed a hold of him and they started walking down the stairs. Holly followed, needing to go down anyways.

"I'll visit tomorrow. I promise I will." Holly says quickly. Remus smiles.

"I don't doubt you will." Remus says, his voice cracking a bit.

Instead of following Remus's orders and going to her dorm and sleeping through the night, Holly headed back to her dorm and paced. She paced all night. She quietly walked around her dorm, careful not to wake up her room mates. Brie snores through the night. It was annoying but... what can you do? Mary-Anne didn't wake up and neither did their other two room mates who they never really got to get to know.

Unforeseen Consequences ☞︎ A James Potter Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now