{4} Cornered Animals Have A Tendency To Attack

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The next morning Holly was internally freaking out. She was sure to be caught almost instantly. She had to assume that the ever so prideful James Potter would instantly tell Dumbledore that it was her who caused the fire. She couldn't imagine him letting her off without something bad happening to her. Maybe a prank? Maybe he would get her expelled? She didn't know and that's exactly what made her nervous.

She tried to act cool and easygoing around her friends as they were the last three in there. Holly wanted to get to breakfast so the torturous waiting would just stop but she also didn't want to go to breakfast because she surely couldn't stomach a thing at the moment.

"Hey, Holly?" Mary-Anne asked curiously.

"Hmm?" Holly asked, turning around and quickly freezing in her place as Mary-Anne held up the 'Gryffindor' robes. Mary-Anne looked up at the nervous girl.

"Why exactly do you have a set of Gryffindor robes?" Mary-Anne asked, her tone sounding accusatory. Holly scrambled over to her friend before promptly ripping the material out of Mary-Anne's hands.

"It's actually not," Holly said, trying to avoid eye-contact. "Some Gryffindor git thought it would be funny to change my robes after our loss yesterday. I was hoping to fix it before anyone noticed." Holly 'admitted'. She didn't need much help looking shameful as she already felt guilty enough for the fire.

"Well I hope you showed the little bugger not to mess with a Hufflepuff." Brie said strongly, walking over to them. Holly looked down at the ground.

"Not exactly, Brie. You know me... always be the bigger person." She said slowly. Brie rolled her eyes. Mary-Anne carefully took the robes from Hollys hands.

"Here, let me take care of this for you." She spoke softly, moving to lay the robe on her bed. Holly walked over to Brie.

"Hey, Brie, do you think you could manage to fix my wand? I think it's cracked a tad." Holly said sheepishly, holding out her wand. Bries brows furrowed as she took it from her friend.

"What makes you think that, lass?" She asked curiously as she inspected the wand. Holly nervously looked up and down her wand.

"Just a hunch." She spoke after loudly gulping. Brie nodded and took out her own wand.

"It's not too bad. I think a simple Reparo might work," Brie modded, mumbling information to herself. Brie held out her wand and muttered the spell. You could hear the wand crack back into place. Brie shook herself out of concentration. She looked up and smiled at Holly. "There you go, it should be all fine now. Best try a spell first." Brie said with a shrug. Holly nodded and turned to the small fireplace in their room.

"Incedio!" Holly stated unconsciously. Her eyes widened in shock as fire shot from her want and into the fire place. Her panicking started to return. If James hadn't ratted her out and Dumbledore had all the wands be checked, she wouldn't have been suspected! But now with Incedio being her last made spell... she was going to be expelled for sure. But of course her friends knew nothing about this. That's why Brie smiled widely and clapped for herself.

"All fixed!" She said happily. Mary-Anne walked up to them and showed Hollys robes to be their usual and beautiful yellow.

"All fixed." Mary-Anne says calmly.

Hollys eyes started to water as she imagined never seeing either of her friends again. Oh, how she would miss them. She looked between them both.

"Thank you, guys." She said on the verge of tears. She hook an arm around each friend and embraced them, using this time to silently cry as she was going to truly miss Hogwarts.

Unforeseen Consequences ☞︎ A James Potter Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now