{19} Thinking Of You All The While

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Holly had been sleeping peacefully, the curtains to her bed closed when a figure slammed them open. Due to Holly being a light sleeper, her eyes snapped open, filling with horror as she immediately connected them to the intruders.

"Rise and shine." He said brightly. Holly instantly started to scream at the sight of him in her room, when suddenly a hand was clamped over her mouth to muffle the screams. She looked up at the owner of the hand and screamed upon seeing him in her bedroom as well. Sirius looked up at James with a bright smile on his face, his eyes practically sparkling with mischief.

"See James, I told you she was a screamer." Sirius said lightly. James glared at his best friend as Holly looked back up at him with furrowed brows. Even without the visual of her mouth, both boys could tell her expression was one of disgust.

James held a finger up to her lips. Holly made no reaction. But as James urged the motion, she rolled her eyes and nodded. James returned the gesture and jerked his head towards Sirius. Sirius in return rumbled lowly.

"I don't know, mate. I quite like this position." Sirius said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Holly sighed against Sirius's hand and jutted her elbow into his stomach. Sirius let go with a loud 'humph'. James smirked at the scene before he looked down at Holly and motioned for her to follow him. Holly hesitantly followed, Sirius not far behind her. It was only once they were inside the common room, did Holly say anything.

"How in Helga Hufflepuffs great name, did you two tossers gain entry inside?!" Holly basically snarled. The boys glanced at each other in amusement. Maybe Holly wasn't as intimidating as she thought...

"Holly... you quite literally shout your password at every Hufflepuff game." He explained whilst trying to hold in a laugh. Holly pouted... guess they were smarter than she gave them credit for.

"And the barrels?" She asked expectantly. James suddenly grew very sheepish, causing her to raise a brow at him.

"I sort of used my cloak, waited for a Hufflepuff and looked out for which barrel to knock on from over their shoulder." James admitted. Before Holly could scold him, Sirius cut in.

"Yeah, we also caused a first year to get the knock wrong. Poor lad got a barrel of vinegar doused on em." Sirius said, easy laughter falling from his lips. James was once again started glaring at his friend.

"What?! What..? I- I can't even handle this right now! It is too late! Now let's just get to the bloody point, what do you two wankers want?" Holly asked, James and his friends once again bringing out her grumpy side. The boys faces lit up.

"Follow us, were enacting the plan!" Sirius said excitingly. Each boy grabbed a shoulder and hauled her in front of them as she grumbled under her breath, ramblings about how annoying they were, how tired she was, and what exactly she would do to them if she just so happened to have had a quidditch broom and a bludger on her.

The boys dragged her down multiple corridors, opening many doors for her though one boy always kept a hand on her shoulder. Their worry for her to go running off was evident— and completely necessary. The boys stopped and Holly looked up, feeling confused as she saw the large doors beside her.

"What are we going in front of the great hall?" She asked.

"Meeting us." Came a voice. Holly instantly jumped, looking around until she saw Remus pull off James' cloak to show him and Peter. Holly smiled at the sight.

"Why, hello boys, these two devils drag you out of bed as well?" She asked, walking over to quickly hug Remus and then Peter.

"I'm sorry, I think you mean '...these two devilishly handsome boys drag you out of bed as well'." Sirius corrects with a smirk on his face. Holly, in the midst of hugging Peter, looks over and glares at Sirius.

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