{22} Some Serpants Prefer Not To Hang In Trees

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Holly sat across from Remus as she awaited his next move. Holly had yet to ever lose a game of Wizards Chess; while Remus had also yet to ever lose a again. It was probably going to be the most intense match of their lives. Holly hissed through her teeth.

"You sure you want to go that Remus?" Holly teased, a grin on her face to prove it. Remus looked up at her with a dull expression on his face.

"Your attempts at tripping me up are in deed, futile." He states, making his move and sitting back. Holly snickered.

"And the fact that you think I need to trip you up is what makes your hopes of winning this match... futile." Holly says back, teasing him further as she mocks him. Remus narrows his eyes, shaking his head slowly. Holly looks down at the board and decides on a move. She goes to put down her piece when Remus interrupts her.

"Eeeehhhhh," Remus screeches. Holly hangs her head down, still holding her piece in the air. "I could counter with a move that would leave your knight in a very vulnerable position." Remus notes. Holly looks up and dramatically sighs, purposefully making it loud and long. Remus chuckles as she finishes.

"Believe me, Remus. I know perfectly well what I'm doing." Holly assures him. Holly once again goes to place her piece down. But once again, she's interrupted by the doors banging open. Usually, both her and Remus would ignore this. However the obnoxious shouting and laughter told them exactly who was interrupting. Holly and Remus look up and watch James, Sirius, and Peter wrestle, jumping and fighting around as they head down to where Remus and Holly sat. The pair laughed and looked back to their game.

The rest of the Marauders slid in around them, James sliding on the bench just as Holly set down her piece. She rocked side to the side, smiling widely at James. He smiled back, his face close to hers from his momentum. James moves back sends her a wink.

"I'm playing winner." James says. Holly smiles as she looks back to the board.

"And that's about to be me." Holly stated. Remus chortles.

"Yeah, right." He responds as he sets another piece down, making his way towards one of Holly's bishops. Holly noticed. Holly picked up a piece, ready to play her next move when her eyes caught something. She looked over and saw Mary-Anne and Brie huddled together, laughing loudly. Holly frowned.

She hadn't managed to spend much time with them recently. She missed them. Holly watches as they sit at a Hufflepuff table, placing her piece down as she looks at them. After a minute or two, Remus laughed quite loudly.

"Checkmate." Remus says. Holly's gaze snaps to the board and away from her friends.

"What?!" She shouts as she looks at the board. All the boys erupt in laughter.

"Guess I'm playing Remus after all." James says through his laughter. Though Holly keeps looking through the board, remembering the plays.

"No," Holly states. The boys quiet down and look at her. "No, you can't move your bishop there." Holly mentions, pointing at the empty spaces, following the move. Remus quirks up a brow.

"You know where my piece was?" He asked. Holly looks up at him confused.

"I memorized where all your pieces were." Holly says cluelessly. Remus smiles and looks down at the board, recalling his last moves.

"Oh! You're right. Apologizes, Holly." Remus says, moving the pieces back before making his own correct move. Holly smirks and moves her piece, looking up at him with a wider smirk than before.

"Checkmate." She says. The boys cheer louder than they had before as Remus looks at the board in shock.

The next morning, Holly opened the door and walked out of the girls dorms. She saw Mary-Anne and Brie sitting on the couch, talking about something. Holly nervously makes her way towards them, shuffling her feet along the ground as she wrung her hands. Because of Holly's shuffling feet, her steps are noticeable. Brie looks over, wondering what the annoying sound is. Shock crosses over her face as she sees Holly.

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