{18} Unfortunate Realizations For An Unfortunate Soul

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That morning, Holly, Brie, and Mary-Anne are calmly eating their breakfast. Or maybe not so calmly. Holly and Brie had been fighting over the last croissant for a good fifteen minutes so far. Holly tugs on it, careful not to rip it.

"Give it, you slimey little git!" Holly hissed.

"No!" Brie shouts.

"Give it!"


"You already had four!" Holly shouted incredulously. Brie leaned forward, glaring at her friend. It was a look that made Holly want to shrink back into herself. But she was more hungry than scared at this point.

"I'm a growing woman." Brie says lowly. Holly narrows her eyes.

"You grow anymore and your precious broom won't be able to hold you up!" Holly jabs, not honestly meaning it, but it caused the desired effect. Brie gasped loudly, jerking back and placing a hand over her heart.

"How dare you?" Brie said sternly.

"Aha!" Holly shouted in victory, not really listening to Brie. Holly held up her croissant as if it were a gem. Brie made a move to crawl over the table to get the croissant. Panicking, Holly opened her mouth and licked the entire thing. Brie paused, halfway over the table; the two having a stare-off. "Vic-Tory." Holly whispered. Holly and Brie both sat back down. Holly opened the croissant and buttered it. Just as she was about to bite into it, it was swiped from her hand. Holly watched in horror as Brie stuffed half of it in her mouth. Both Holly and Mary-Anne stared at the girl in horror. Brie swallowed the food and smiled over at Holly.

"Vic-Tory." She said smugly. Just as Holly was about to retort, a figure pushed his way in between Brie and Mary-Anne, landing across from Holly. David slammed the newspaper on top of the table.

"You have to read this." David expressed. He wormed his way between the girls and held up the newspaper. Before he could start reading it, Holly took it from him. He sent her a half confused and half annoyed look. Noticing someone staring, she looked up and met his gaze.

"What? You said to read it", Holly explained with a nod. She held up the newspaper. "Late last night both the Cormac family and the Robinson family were all found dead in their homes. All of them seemed to have be murdered by the killing curse. Who cast that curse is still unknown. Mrs. Cormac was a known muggle-born, actively fighting for equal rights between the muggle-borns and the purebloods. Aurors believe it was the reasoning of their passing. The Robinson family was a family that regularly and publicly affiliated themselves with muggles and muggle-borns. Aurors believe that was their reasoning the so called 'death eaters' took such drastic lengths against them. More on page 8."

The whole group looked at each other in shock.

"This is what you wanted to tell us? About the Robinson's?" Mary-Anne asks quietly. David nods, looking down at the table with interest.

"They're going after quote-on-quote blood traitors now?!" Holly scoffed, though the fear felt as though it would consume her. "This is getting out of hand." Holly whispered, more to herself though the whole group was able to hear; thoughts of her father being a muggle surged through Holly's mind. What they could do to him and their family...

The passing of the families was still on Holly's and everyone else's minds. The daily prophet had gotten around quickly, during and after breakfast. It was around mid-day and Holly was certain all of Hogwarts and all of Hogsmead had already found out.

Holly, Brie, and Mary-Anne all walked towards their DADA class. They entered the room silently, their most recent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher being an older gentleman with long and thin gray hair and a beard that dragged on the floor. He was usually seen in dark blue robes as he was still a proud Ravenclaw.

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