Chapter 21 - "We Need To Talk..."

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Lauren's POV

The kids were so tired. They had played on the beach all day with no naps. As we came back up the path, I saw Hunter, Adrian, and Vanessa walking out with Lizzie.

"Unky Unter!!!" Rose squealed as she launched herself into his arms.

"Have you had fun with Capri and Erin today?" he asked.

"Yes. We pwayed in da ocean, and Ashy taunt me how to wide da waves, and we buiwt a tanscastle."

"Sounds like fun to me."

He looked at me and smiled. I had always had a soft spot for the youngest Johansson. I'm glad we reconnected.

"Looks like you have your hands full, need some help wrangling these for a bath?"

"No, you guys go catch up with Ash. I know she has missed you all. Besides, I don't think these three are long for the world. Mom made them Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets for dinner, so I suspect, a warm bath, food, and they are gonna be out. I appreciate the offer though."

"Anything for you, Lauren." he said smiling.

"Always the charmer, aren't you Johansson?" I said, smirking at him as he blushed. "I'll be back in a bit, save me a seat will ya."

We parted ways and headed inside. Scarlett asked if I needed help with the girls, and I told her I had it under control. She smiled at me, giving me a hug as she walked out the door. The girls sat down at the table and started to eat their dinner. I could see their little eyes drooping. Once they finished, I ushered them to the bathtub, added some lavender oil to the water, and they then played for a few minutes. Capri and Erin had no trouble bathing themselves, but I helped little Rose get herself bathed. Once I had them out, dried, and in their pajamas, they all crawled into bed. I heard raised voices outside, but couldn't make out what was being said. I put the girls a movie on, set up their baby monitor, and headed downstairs. As I got to the kitchen, I saw Hunter's car leaving.

What the fuck?

As I walked out the door, everyone was quiet, and Hunter was still here.

"Um, what did I miss?" I said, looking around.

"Sydney stirred the pot," I heard my oldest sister say.

"Wait, who was in Hunter's car?"

"That would have been our Mother," Hunter said.

"Melanie was here?!? That explains the yelling I heard."

I saw Scarlett's head snap up. "Lo, Please tell me the girls didn't hear any of that??"

"No, I heard yelling, but couldn't make it out. I put the girls in a movie and came down." I walked down the stairs, sitting next to Hunter. "You ok?" I asked him.

"Yea, just disappointed in my Mom."

Everyone remained quiet, no one knew what to say at this point. Then my Father stood.

"Family, this weekend is supposed to be a time of celebration and remembrance for our fallen brothers and sisters. On Monday, you will all join me for my annual tradition of presenting the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown, and then we will return here for our annual cookout and fireworks. Scarlett, Elizabeth, Hunter, Vanessa, Adrian, you will join us, as you are part of the family. Alex, I know you have your dress uniform, Ashlyn, did you bring your dress blues?"

"Yes, sir, I did. They are at Scarlett's house, I can grab them tomorrow, but Dad, how are we getting to Arlington?"

"You're Uncle Jack has arranged a private jet for us. We will leave at 8am on Monday morning, the presentation is at 11am, and our return flight is at 1pm."

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