Chapter 31 - The Beginning of...

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POV: Ash


"DON'T YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE TO ME ASHLYN MARIE!!! I am your mother, not one of you soldiers."

"Mom, I'm sorry. I have to go. The car will be here shortly to take me to base. I am going. You and I both know Alex would do the same for me."

"Ashlyn, have you stopped to think about this at all? Have you talked to your fiancé? Have you taken that little girl in there into account if you don't come back? You're sisters, you're nieces!!!"

"Mom, I'm not Dad. I'm not going back into a war zone. It's an extraction."

"Not your Father, huh?"

"Mom, please."

"Ashlyn Marie, until you have children and you understand the fear of losing that child, do NOT tell me, it's just an Extraction."

"Mom, I love you. I'm going."

I hugged my Mother, and turned to leave the room. As soon as I entered the living room, little Rose attached herself to my leg. I reached down, lifting her into my arms.

"Pwease don't weeve Ashy," she whispered, little tears streaming down her face.

"I have to go baby girl, but I promise you I will be back in a few days, ok? Can you take care of Mommy while I'm gone?"

She nodded her little head and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I wub you, Ashy," she whispered.

"Love you too, baby girl."

I handed Rose to Florence, as I made my way onto the porch to find my Father and Scarlett. I looked at my Dad, and he just shook his head.

"Why do you have to go? You heard your Uncle Jack, the Feds and Seals have everything under control. YOU DON'T NEED TO GO!!!" Scarlett screamed at me, tears streaming down her face.


"No, No. You have a choice this time. Please make me understand WHY you have to go?"

"Because she would do the same for me!! I have had a bad feeling about this since she told me, and I didn't do anything!!! I let her leave!!"

We stood facing one another, tears streaming down our faces.

"Scarlett, give me a moment with my daughter, please." my father said, embracing her.

She nodded her head, and walked back inside.

"Ashlyn, why do you feel the need to be there? You heard your Uncle Jack. Why are you so hell bent on going then?"

"Because, I need to make sure she comes back alive. I need to see her face. I feel so guilty, Dad. I let her go alone. I should have been with her." I said, my shoulders slumping forward.

My father laid his hands on my shoulders. "Ashlyn, do not be a hero. Go into this with a clear head and clear eyes. Right now, all I see is revenge and hatred."

I looked at my father. "I don't want revenge, Pop. I just want my sister home. Yes, I want to see the look on those treasonous bastards' faces when we take her back, but their time will come."

My father pulled me into a hug. "Go talk to Scarlett, tell her what you told me. She is still going to be furious, but explain it to her. She loves you."

"Thanks Pop," I said, turning to find Scarlett.


POV: Scarlett

I stormed back into the house, and saw Lizzie, Florence and Rose sitting on the couch. Momma Sophia was standing next to them.

My heart broke for Lizzie. She looked so lost. I immediately went to her, pulling her into a hug.

"I can't lose her Scar, she is my world." she whispered to me.

"I know Lizzie, I know. She is going to be ok. They are going to get her home, I promise." I said, trying to stay strong.

"Scarlett, can we talk," I hear Ash say from the door.

I let go of Lizzie, letting Sophia and Florence comfort her.

I walk past Ash, out to the front porch, standing with my back to her, and my arms crossed.

She gently turned me to face her, her own eyes red. "Listen to me, please baby. I have to do this, I have to make sure she is OK. I need to see her. I need to see what they have done to her. I promise you, I will come home to you and Rose, and I will bring Alex home to Lizzie. I am not doing this to be a hero, I am not doing this for revenge. If the roles were reversed, she would be having the same fight with Lizzie right now." she said, smirking.

I had to smile, because she is right. If the roles were reversed, Alex would be doing the same thing.

"I know, but it doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you," I said, caressing her face. "Please come back to me, I can't lose you. I just got you back. I love you, Ashlyn."

"I love you too, Scarlett. I promise I will come home to you," she said, wiping the tears from my eyes. She leaned forward, kissing me gently. "Take care of Mom and Dad for me, ok." she whispered.

"You know I will," I said smiling. We stood there wrapped in each other's arms, when we heard the gate open. Ash looked up at the approaching vehicle.

"It's time," she said quietly.

Her mom, Lizzie, Florence, Rose, and Lauren joined us on the porch. Ashlyn hugged everyone one last time, before she grabbed her bag, and started towards the car.

"ASHLYN," I screamed, as I ran off the porch and into her arms, giving her one last passionate kiss.

"Come home to me." I whispered and she let me go.

She nodded, and turned, getting into the waiting vehicle. I watched the car disappear down the drive, as I fell to my knees.

Please come home to me.....


A/N- NightOwl: Sorry this took so long. I struggled writing this chapter. It was very emotional. The next few chapters are very emotional. So Buckle up.

A/N: So... its gonna be rough... fair warning. But WE LOVE YOU!

Word Count: 977

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