Chapter 4

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Third person pov~

Here Jungkook is.. standing infront of the Jeon house. He rang the doorbell bell and waited for her mother to open the door and hug him tightly while his grandmother would say the same damn line everytime they meet...

"Aww my bunny you loosed soo much weight.....Aren't you eating well huh?..Is Seoul's food that bad huh?"

But today only his mother welcomed him with warm hug. His grandmother was nowhere in sight.

"Heyy are you?"Jungkook asked still hugging her mother.

"I'm all good now after seeing you."she said breaking the hug and kisses her son's forehead.

Jungkook smiled and asked, "where's grandma and dad?"

"Your dad's outside for some work and grandma is in her room... doctor suggested her bed rest." She said and jungkook nodded his head.

"I'm going to meet her.." he said and ran towards Jehyun's room.

Jehyun was pacing left and right in her room waiting for jungkook..when she heard doorbell she ran to her bed and acted as she was sleeping as she knew that jungkook must be coming to meet her any time soon.

"Grandmaaaa" Jungkook barged inside her room without any notice.

"Omo my bunny"she said and acted as she can't sit by her own.

Stop overacting Jehyun......she mentally scolded herself.

Jungkook went towards her and helped her to sit.

" little loosed soo much weight... aren't you eating well..--"

"Is Seoul's food that bad"Jungkook cut her and completed her sentence and both brushed into laughter.

"Stop laughing....I'm gonna make you eat all your favourite food. And will bring your chubby understand." She said while squishing his cheeks.

Soon Sumi and Jehuan Jungkook's father joined them with all Jungkook's favourite snacks and they all talked for hours.

After dinner.......

Everyone is in living room catching up with memories. Jungkook is lying on the couch with his head on his mother's lap, Jehuan doing same with his mother copying Jungkook on the other couch.

"Kook i wanna talk to you about something." Jehyun hesitatly said deciding to drop the bomb.

"About marriage?"Jungkook asked sitting straight now facing his grandmother.


"I already told you grandma I'm not ready for the marriage and it's not easy for me to get in a relationship with someone I don't know...and above all I want to focus on my career right now." Jungkook said getting a little frustrated as his grandmother is not trying to understand him.

"Getting in a relationship won't effect your career.. your hyungs are dating themselves... don't they and I already talked to your Boss..Bang pd..he has no problem with your wedding until it's secret..." His father said

"You what...huh why did you talk to him about the wedding..?

"I talked to him" his grandmother said.

"Kook atleast meet him will like him he is so sweet and you both will make a great couple." Now Sumi said holding Jungkook's hands hoping he will agree.

"Mom you too..why don't you all understand me huh..I WILL NOT MARRY ANYONE." Jungkook shouted last part and stood up ready to leave.

"I'm old now kook..i wanna die peacefully..i wanna see you on the asile taking vows with Taehyung... won't you fulfill my last wish." His grandmother said using her last weapon.

"I thought I would enjoy my holidays here but seems like you all have different plan"Jungkook chuckled bitterly and left from there without glancing them.

"We crossed the line didn't we?"Sumi said while crying silently.

"Don't worry you both go and rest. I'll talk to him tomorrow and I'll inform taeyoon (Taehyung's grandmother) that Jungkook isn't ready for marriage."

"Mom..are you sure?you don't want this marriage?"Sumi said.. somewhere in her heart she started having a sweet spot for taehyung and accepted him as her son-in-law.

"Yes...nothing matters more than kook's happiness."she smiled as her tears were on the verge to fall.

And Jungkook listened all this..he was happy that his family finally understand him and is ready to call this so called wedding off.

So no wedding? :(

Or..!🤭 okay no spoilers lol

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