Chapter 50

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Third person pov-


Taehyung's eyes shot open as he tried to inhale as much as he can to catch up his breath. The pretty male was covered in sweat, his head snapped towards the door of his room.

The dream, more like the nightmare he just had replayed in his head.

The male stared at nothing for no one knows how long, trying to process if he was dreaming or everything was real. With shaking steps he went towards the coffee table, pouring himself a glass of water he gulped it down in one go.

The moment he regained his senses he searched for his phone which was lying on the bed. Opening the device he searched for a contact, he clicked on the searched contact but before he could click on the call option, the male shut the device down.

'no no...i can't call's late and he must be sleeping. I should not bother him.'

The male thought as he withdraw his thought to call his husband, instead he just stared at the ceiling, just hoping whatever he saw in his dream won't come true. His eyes gets wet and soon muffled sobs left his pretty lips which were covered with the palm of his hand.

His thoughts came to end when his ringtone echoes inside the room.

Hyungiee💗🐰 ... calling


After the concert ended, the only thing Jungkook wanted to do was to talk to his husband and then rest. But thanks to his busy schedule, he wasn't able to talk to his husband neither to rest.

Its past one am, and Jungkook with the members finally got free. They got only six hours to rest then again same busy schedule. The coming day, they are going to be more busy as they would get a week long rest after today. Jungkook decided to spend this week in Busan with his family, while the members got their own plans.

Reaching his hotel room he closed the door behind him and made a bee line towards his bathroom to take a warm shower to relax his tensed muscles. After coming out of the bathroom he checked his phone, the number of missed calls from his husband ached his heart. The younger must be waiting for his call.

It was late but the raven head decided to ring up younger once, if he doesn't pick up his phone means the latter must be sleeping, so next he will just drop a text. Thinking so he dialled the younger's number.

"Hello.." Jungkook said as soon as the other received the call but he was met with silence.

"Tae, baby are you there?" He says, waiting for the reply. He increased the volume of his phone once he heard something like faint sobs.

"Baby are you okay? Are you cr-"

"Hii..h_hyung. yes I'm fine. Just woke up." Jungkook heard taehyung from the other side of his device, his frowns not believing the younger.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Y_yes. Ofcourse. I'm just sleepy."

"Okay then, you should sleep. Talk to you tomorrow." The elder says as he heard a humm from the other side.

"Good night. I love you." The elder said and the next he heard taehyung mumbling a quick 'I love you too' and then hung up the phone.

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