Chapter 28

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Third person pov~

"But in the end of the day it's totally your decision Tae." Bang pd said to the mentioned male who was sitting infront of him.

"I don't know uncle. One time I want to do the shoot and the next I don't."The younger said still confused about his decision.

It's the next day, when Bang pd asked Jungkook to bring Taehyung with him to the company. Apparently he wants to talk to the younger about the shoot.

The younger is stuck in between. He wanted to work with Jungkook and at the same time he is afraid of the media and the public. He isn't a new born to not know about the chances of him getting bullied on social media for a mere mistake and even the thought of that scares him.

That being the biggest reason he still don't know if he should agree or not. He knows his husband and his family will be with him in his every step but still entertainment industry isn't all rainbows and unicorns. And he knows that fact pretty well. Surely he is doing majors in entertainment but that doesn't means he wants to get famous and have a centre spotlight on him. No he wants a peaceful life that's all and stepping in this won't be peaceful.

Now you may ask why is stressing so much? It's just a photoshoot.

But dude it's the person and the brand we talking about.

Working with Jeon jungkook has its own perks but oh boy it surely comes with major side effects. Like there are more than fifty percent chances of him getting hate just because some immature fans get jealous of him working with their bias. And it's not funny.

Surely the whole fandom won't hate him but still there are some.

After thinking about this whole night and then talking it out with his uncle he made his decision. His thoughts gets disturbed by the sudden knock on the door.

*Knock knock*

"Come in." Bang pd said as his secretary poked her head inside before coming in.

"Mr. Shin is here sir." She said

"Oh let him in." Bang pd said as the lady made her way out of the office and after less than five minutes the said male entered.

"Hello Mr. Bang." Mr. Shin smiled as Bang pd stood up from his seat and greeted the male with a hug. They are friends after all.

"Oh Taehyung Hello." Mr shin said as he noticed the presence of the younger male.

"Hello Mr. Shin." Taehyung said bowing infront of the elder who smiled and took the seat on the couch.

"Tae he's Shin Ji Woon. The head of this product launch and as well as of the photoshoot shoot. He is the one who wants you to work with him at first place. And Shin you already know him." Bang pd introduced them.

"Ofcourse it will be a pleasure to work with a beauty like you." Mr. Shin said with a smile as taehyung looked down blushing and letting out a small thankyou.

"So I hope you made you mind?" Mr. Shin asked to the younger.

"Um yeah I'm ready for the shoot." Taehyung said nodding.

"Ohh cool." Mr. Shin gets excited all of the sudden to be honest he didn't expect the younger to get ready. He literally prepared a long ass speech to let him convince as a backup plan if he needs.

"Calm down your self Shin." Bang pd said to which Mr. Shin just shrugged giving him a look of, 'what if i dont'

"Anyways so taehyung, I brought the contract papers already so you just needs to sign them. Si hyuk and his lowyer already went through them so you just read them and sign it as we already delayed our shoot so I want to wrap it soon." Mr. Shin said pulling out a file from his office bag and give it to taehyung who took it and had a look at the papers.

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