Chapter 9

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Third person pov~

"Have anyone contacted kook?" Hoseok asked as everyone was having dinner. It's been a week jungkook left for Busan. They miss their maknae so much.

"I talked to him three days ago.. I really want him to enjoy these holidays with his family thats why I don't wanna bother him." The leader said.

"Same here.. Jimin what about you? Did you have any words with him?" Seokjin asked while serving some more food.

"It was last night.. he called to know about everyone's well being." Jimin said focusing on his food. Everyone can see how much jimin misses the maknae. They just want them to be together.. after all they are their biggest shippers.

Everyone continued to enjoy the food unware of the fact that somewhere in Busan their maknae is getting married.


The newly wed couple were busy attending the guests when a man in his fifties came and clear his throat standing behind them to get their attention.

"Congratulations Newly Weds." Said the man.

"Pd nim..?"jungkook was shocked seeing none other than the CEO standing infront him, he knew that bang pd know about the marriage but he didn't thought that he would be here. And what make him more shocked was seeing taehyung hugging Mr. Bang oh so tightly. Do they know eachother?

"Well I heard from my nephew that I'm the best boss you could ever get..hmm..kook" bang pd said to jungkook.

"You're the best--- wait nephew?"

Both taehyung and bang pd broke into laughter as they saw the confused face of jungkook. Only now all the dot connects together.

"He's my uncle kook. Mom's brother."

Before jungkook say something he got hugged by pd nim.

"Really kook I never thought even in my dreams that you will be the first one to get married among the seven boys."

"So do I. PD nim."

"Ah drop it call me uncle like taebear afterall you're my son-in-law now." Mr. Bang chukkled and jungkook just nodded.

Soon everyone left as there weren't many people who attended the wedding. This is where the emotional part comes. Taehyung's departure from his house where he spent his whole life. It was a emotional moment. Everyone has tears in their eyes even taehyung's in-laws were emotional.


In Seoul
BTS dorm,

Everyone gathered in living room as Namjoon told them to as he have some important announcement.

"So Sejin Hyung called me to tell some important news ab..."

"Is it important it's already midnight I ammm tiireeeeeddddd" jimin whines lika a baby he is. And everyone coos at him.

"Let me complete I was telling that we are going to have a new dorm mate."

"WHAT" everyone shouted.

"Yeah he will be here tomorrow and he is related to bang pd."Namjoon continued

"But why? we don't even have extra room where will he stay." Hoseok said.

"We need to make some space for him as Sejin Hyung sai-- ." Namjoon again said.

"Well i have an idea we have four rooms. Me and joonie share one and Yoongi and hobi share one but chim and kook have their separate rooms so they can share one room.. kook's room is big enough for two people so he can share it with chim right and Chim no need to thanks me for this okk." Jin suggest with a proud smile everyone except namjoon seems to be agreeing to the suggestion and jimin is the happiest afterall he can share same room with his crush.

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