Chapter 17

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It was Saturday night, a certain pretty male was still watching kdramas while waiting for other members. Yes his husband told him to not to wait for them but he just can't wait to have that cake he baked to congratulate the boyband. Hoping that they will like it.

Meanwhile, the boys were in their car right now. Their driver was the one driving. Yoongi and Hoseok were at the back, Namjoon, Jin and jimin in middle while Jungkook on passenger seat with eyes closed too tired to open them.

All the members were still talking and the maknae was wondering from where did they get this much energy from.

Jungkook sighed in relief when the car stopped and the driver told that they arrived. He hanged his backpack and without waiting for the members he made his way inside the house.

"I'm sure he would have enjoyed more with that Taehyung." Jimin said jumping out of the car. He can't help but gets annoyed by the maknae's silence.

"Shh chim he's just tired." The oldest said and everyone made their way inside.

Taehyung's focus went towards the main door when the door clicked opened and he saw he husband walking in.

"Welcome home hyungieeee" the younger jumped out of the couch and went towards the older male who still smiles at his cute adorable husband even though he felt like passing out.

"You still up?" He said voice low but the younger still heard him as he's now standing infront of him. Taehyung took the elder's bagpack and said,

"I made something for you all." He giggles at his own excitement.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but that's when the rest of the members entered. Taehyung peeked from his husband's shoulders and said,

"Welcome Hyungs."

"It's late, why you still wide awake?" Yoongi said checking his phone to see time.

"I was waiting for you all. Wait a min I'm coming." The youngest among them said while putting Jungkook's bag on couch and ran towards the kitchen.

Jungkook's too tired, he just needs his bed at this point but still he took a seat on couch as he watched his husband with loving eyes. He wanted to know the reason behind his husband's excitement. Other members too sat down waiting for the younger.

"Congratulations Hyungs.." Taehyung sang coming out of the kitchen with the cake he baked and a knife. He continued, "I decided to bake a cake to congratulate you all. I hope you'll like it."

"Wow it looks so pretty." Hoseok cheered. As everyone thanked for the younger's efforts.

"Thankyou Tae, but you shouldn't have bothered__"

"I wasn't bothered." Taehyung cut Namjoon in middle while pouting.

"Okay shall we cut the cake."

"A cake was the one thing missing for the celebration..thanks Tae for it." Hoseok said earning few nods from the members and a big boxy smile of Taehyung. Soon they cut the cake.

"Umm it's delicious." Finally Jungkook said something.

"Really?" Taehyung asked looking at his husband who smiled at the younger.

"Yeah i agree." Yoongi said.

Everyone thanked taehyung once again for making such a delicious cake for them. It was already past midnight so they exchanged goodnights and went to their respective bedrooms.

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