Chapter 15

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It was the next morning, the peaceful sleep of the raven haired male got disturbed by alarm ring. He turned off the annoying sound and glanced at the time 5:45 am. With a deep sigh he again laid down and that's when he noticed a pair of hands on his waist which were of none other than of his husband.

Taehyung's head on his chest, hands clutching his waist and their legs tangled with eachother. He doesn't remember his husband hugging him last night maybe he hugged him in sleep. Their position somewhere seems uncomfortable yet comfortable for them. It was still early to get up so he decided to stay in bed.

After like 20 minutes the elder decided to get up. Smiling to himself while watching his cute husband. he silently not wanting to distrub the pretty male sleeping peacefully, he loosed his husband's grip from his waist and slipped out of the bed. He took a bath after 45 minutes of exercise, then made his way towards kitchen.

Everyone was still sleeping so he decided to make breakfast for everyone. Opening the refrigerator he spotted fresh bread packets so he decided to make sandwiches.

Let's get it kook~

He was almost done with sandwiches within 30 minutes when he decided to make coffee for himself. Soon he heard footsteps.

"oh..good morning Kookie. You're up early today wow I'm impressed."

He turned his head and saw jimin standing near kitchen island looking at sandwiches.

He turned his head and saw jimin standing near kitchen island looking at sandwiches

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"Oh morning hyung and trust me I'm impressed too." He said with a chuckle, again focusing on his coffee..

"Good morning hyungieee.." a loud cheerful voice attracted both Jimin's amd Jungkook's attention. "Oh good morning jimin hyung." The same person added when he saw jimin standing with mouth full of sandwich.

"Um morning Taehyung." Jimin said munching on his sandwich. While Jungkook was already lost in his husband's beauty.

Doesn't he look extra adorable in morning gosh that flawless golden skin of his. He so pret___what Jungkook get a hold on yourself... Giving his thoughts a break he said.

"Good morning taetae, here your breakfast."

"Wow it looks delicious..."

"Ofcourse afterall I made it." Jungkook said flipping his imaginary hairs well you can call it Seokjin effect afterall they are living together for years.

"You should have called me for help." The younger said.

"Oh time I'll make sure to ask for your help master chef..." Jungkook dramatically bowed and Taehyung giggled not noticing a burning gaze on them. Taehyung took a seat on one of the high chairs kept in Kitchen. He was going to pick up a sandwich when Jungkook stoped him.

" these are yours." The elder said keeping a plate with two sandwiches infront of the younger.

"They all look same to me." The younger pouted.

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