Chapter 34

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Hii sweet buns,

I'm kinda afraid for this chapter lol
Anyways enjoy~


Third person pov~

Jimin looked around finding no-one as he opened his mouth...

"Actually I wanna tell you something." Jimin said as he moved his right hand behind his back, fingers crossed.

Looking at the younger, Jimin knew very well that the younger didn't feel anything for him. Hell he saw the younger with someone else, who's close to younger's heart many times. He saw them talking, laughing together, cuddling even making out. But right now he wants to admit his feelings to the younger maybe that can help him move on.

And it isn't official that the younger is in a relationship so he still have a minute chance.


"Yes hyung I'm listening." Jungkook said paying his full attention.

"Um..Kookiwannasaythatiloveyou" Jimin let out in one breath.

"Wait what hyung I don't understand!" Jungkook said getting confused.

"Aa I like you kook." Jimin finally said with his eyes closed shut. He opens his eyes when he heard a soft laughter.

"I like you too hyung. And is this what you want to tell me?" Jungkook said letting out a chuckle.

"No not like that." Jimin sighed as he understand what Jungkook meant.

"Then h_how?" Jungkook asked as he now noticed all the nervousness of the elder which makes some sense and the dots he connected were going towards one thing.

And he really hopes it's not what he is thinking.

"Jimin if not now then never." Closing his eyes he thought for a while. The boy knows he don't have a chance but if he didn't try then it will keep eating him up. The question, 'only if I confessed' will always keep bugging him. And even if he gets rejected atleast it will make him ready to move on.

" this." Jimin said to the younger as he let out a quite "fuck it" and stood up on his toes leaning towards the younger.

He leaned for a kiss but before his lips could touch the younger, Jungkook stepped back while pushing Jimin back from him.


"I knew it." Jimin mumbled with a sad chuckle. Boy was prepared but still it hurts like hell seeing someone you love like this,while Jungkook kept quiet.

"I love you kook. I have feelings for you like a lover not like friends. I love you so much." The elder said taking a deep breath as a tear rolled down his cheeks followed by many.

"H_hyung I---" Jungkook shutters as he took one step towards the elder but back away not knowing what to say.

"Don't. It's okay. I just wanted you to know about my feelings that's it. It's okay if you don't feel the same." Jimin told wipping his tears harshly.

'stupid tears, stupid heart. Fuck everything.'

"I never thought of you like that hyung. You all were always like a brother figure for me. I_i am sorry hyung. I didn't kn__"

"Ah i said na it's okay. I already knew about it. I just wants to admit it to you." Jimin said wipping down he tears, he came close to the younger and engulf him in a warm hug. Thats the only way to hide his tears as they weren't stopping any time soon.

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