Chapter 8

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Third person pov~

Time passes really fast.. For taehyung it was like yesterday when he met Jungkook and the date of the marriage was decided. It's midnight now.. taehyung's laying his head on his mother's lap as she's playing with his hairs. Taeyoon and Jaehyung are also sitting there watching their adorable baby bear.

They can't help but shed tears as tomorrow their precious son will leave them. They gonna miss him so much. It's not like taehyung won't visit them after marriage but everyone know it's not gonna be same as it is.
All were so deep in their thoughts.

For Taehyung he never stayed away from his family so it's gonna be hard for him to leave them but he have to right.

For Jaehyung there will be noone who will save him from his dangerous wife's anger whenever he will overwork himself. more. He will miss his partner in crime..he will miss doing silly pranks on his wife and mother with Taehyung. Who will wake him up at midnight just because his son forget to do his assignments and now he needs his help. He will miss playing golf with his son on weekends. Taehyung isn't only his son but also his bestfriend who he loves dearly more than his own life.

For Yoona there will be noone who will help her with choosing dresses.. with here and there's gossips. Noone will be there to massage her head whenever she will be tensed. Who will she scold every morning for not waking up early? Who wil show his puppy eyes everytime he wants something? She will miss her fluff ball running around every corner of the house with his adorable laughter echoing inside the house. No-one will be there to get into cute..silly arguments with her. Oh she's gonna miss him so much.

For Taeyoon there will be noone shouting for her telling that he brought her flowers again just because taehyung's grandfather used to bring her flowers when he was still alive. Who's gonna scold her whenever she will forget to take her medicines. Who will take her for long walks every evening. Noone will cuddle her at night saying "grandma I know you are afraid of dark that's why I'm here to company you." but he will never agree that he's the one who's afraid of dark. Who will come pouting to her to complaint about her mother that she's not letting him sleep some extra hours on holidays and his father who is cheating while playing. It's like a part of her life is going to leave with Taehyung tomorrow.

Oh they all gonna Miss their little fluff ball so much.


Wedding day
April 5th.....

Everyone was already there at the wedding venue, guests already arrived and the grooms are ready. Just few hours and Kim Taehyung will be now Jeon Taehyung.

"Oh my Goodness..I really got an angel as my son in law." Somi said as she entered taehyung's dressing room.

"You're looking really pretty baby.."Somi said as she kissed taehyung's forehead.

"You're looking beautiful yourself mom"taehyung told her then looked down blushing at her next remark.

"I just pray to God that Jungkook won't faint after seeing you."

They got intrupted with a phone call. Somi checked her phone and it was jungkook's..

"Mom where're you..i need your help."

Everyone one can hear his voice as she put the phone on speaker. And Somi can bet on her life that jungkook is pouting right now holding his tie.

"Just coming baby"she hang up and said

"See you soon your future husband needs me"she giggled and leaved from there.


Purple..the colour associated with romantic means trust and love. As it's the favourite colour of Taehyung the venue is decorated with purple theme. It just look like you landed in a fairy tale.

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