Chapter 6

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Third person pov~

After two days..

It was afternoon and Kim Taeyoon was on phone talking with none other than her bestfriend Jeon Jehyun.

"yeah yeah I'm really happy hyunie. "

"So do I. Yoonie I can't wait to see them walking down the asile."

"Me I'm going to get ready now..okay see you soon."

"yeah see you soon."

"Okay babai"

After the phone call she knocked on Taehyung room's door. The Jeons and Kim's are going to meet eachother at dinner in a near by resturant.

"Bear you ready?"

"Just few minutes more granny." He shouted from inside.

Taehyung was nervous not because he's going to meet Jeons as it's not the first time he gonna visit them. He is nervous to meet Jungkook for the first time well it's not the first time too as taeyoon and Jehyun both told him many times that how they both used to stick together..and then cry the hell out when it's time to separate when they were small but Taehyung doesn't remember anything so it's the first time right?

Taehyung was standing infront of the mirror checking himself from top to bottom. He wore black. His style is kinda colourful but he chooses black not because the idol jungkook's favourite colour is black and he mostly wears black..... Hell that's the reason behind him choosing black.

 Hell that's the reason behind him choosing black

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(Without bag)

"Aww my bear is looking beautiful as always."

"Thanks granny"

"Oh mom he is my son ofcourse he's beautiful like mother like son "taehyung's mom came and kissed taehyung's forehead.

"Keep dreaming Yoona..but he got these looks from me"Taeyoon flipped her hairs back.

"Oh look who's dreaming here mamma i'm not dreaming I'm just telling some facts."now Yoona flipped her hair back.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night baby Yoona" taeyoon's said while taehyung looked at his father silently telling him to stop both of them but oh boy his father Jaehyung was enjoying the live show so why bother stopping it.

"Jae you tell I'm more beautiful right and tae looks like me.."Taeyoon asked to her son. Before he could answer her Yoona said

"I'm the most beautiful women in my husband's eyes he told me that million times even proved i need to give details..even last night~" ok now it's going somewhere else and Jaehyung regret not stopping them earlier.

"He got that from me..okay so now both of you stop bickering we are getting late." Jaehyung said dragging Yoona and Taeyoon outside the house.

After about 20 minutes of drive they reached the restaurant.

"Hello I'm Kim Jaehyung. A private table booked under Mr Kim and Mr Jeon." Jaehyung went to the receiptionst.

"Hello Mr Kim. Greetings from Starlight Restaurant. I'm Sanhae your waiter for tonight." The waiter bowed and showed them the way towards the private room well they can't risk meeting in public because of jungkook.

" The waiter bowed and showed them the way towards the private room well they can't risk meeting in public because of jungkook

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"Will you order anything right now or wait for Mr. Jeon?" The waiter asked as they reached the dinning room for today.

"We will wait." Jaehyung said glancing at his wrist watch. They were 15 minutes early. The waiter left after bowing to give them privacy.

Not after more than five minutes the Jeons arrived. They all greeted eachother. Taehyung's eyes searched for only one person.

"Jungkook just got an important call from his company so he will be here after attending it."Jehuan said to which everyone nodded and took their seats.

"I'm sorry for the delay." A soft and clear voice which got everyone's attention.

Taehyung who was looking towards Jehyun turn his attention towards the now Door. His breath hitched as he saw the man he's been dreaming about from last few weeks.

Jeon Jungkook

(Jungkook's outfit without bag and cap

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(Jungkook's outfit without bag and cap.)

"Don't tell me you both already talking to eachother and decided to match the outfits." Jehyun whispered to taehyung who shake his head blushing. Only now noticing that he's also wearing black.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Kim." Jungkook said bowing to them.

"Ah drop the formalities son."Taeyoon said now standing infront of him as she engluffed him in a warm hug.

"So I will come directly to the topic behind today's gathering."Jehuan said grabbing everyone's attention.

"Yeah but before discussing about anything i want taehyung and jungkook to talk about this as it's their life after all.'' Jaehyung said.

"Yeah um kook and tae you both can go and talk there."Jehuan said pointing towards the balkony with couch.

Jungkook now look towards taehyung. He finds taehyung attractive, even accepted him as the most beautiful man he ever saw but will he say this loudly. No.

"Is our decision right? They will be happy with each other right?" Somi said as both taehyung and jungkook went out.

"I have a feeling that it's all gonna turn something most beautiful."Yoona said eyes on his son and hopefully her future son in law.

"I hope so." Somi replied silently praying for their son's future.


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