Chapter 13

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Same day, the roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun. The sunlit skyscrapers pierced the hot, blue sky. The afternoon sun bathed the buildings in its warm light. Tiny specks of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of afternoon sunlight that shed through the window.

Standing beside his room's window wearing Black hoodie with black cargo pants and last not least his iconic bucket hat, the raven head was waiting for his husband who was getting ready. He was lost in his thoughts when he heard the bathroom door open, turning his neck like the speed of light he met with the most beautiful site.

His husband in white tshirt, pretty green cardigan and cream dress pants. Jungkook swears he never saw someone look this good in colour green.

"Is it okay for college here?" The younger asked fiddling with his cardigan's paws, his cupid lips forming an adorable pout.

"Beautiful..."unconsciously Jungkook mutterd.


"Ah i meant it's okay...looks good..let's go now.."
It looks good Taehyung blushed

Jungkook hurried outside followed by Taehyung like some cute puppy, where he met with the rest of the members in living room.

"Going anywhere?" Namjoon asked seeing both of them.

"Ah yeah I have some work in studio and tae have to go to university for his transfer details." Jungkook said.

"You gonna drop him? SNU is in opposite side from our company, don't get caught by paparazzi." Namjoon said getting a little bit worried. He don't want to deal with news headlines the next day.

"Oh don't worry, Bang pd will take him to university."

"Ohh ok---" Namjoon got cut between by jin

"Bang pd? Why him? Why will he take you there?" Jin frowned

"Oh he's my uncle, so he's gonna deal with the final transfer details." Taehyung replied with smile.

"Oh now it makes sense"

"Wait if he's your uncle then why are you living here." Jimin asked and jungkook frowned his brows while Taehyung's smile dropped not knowing what to reply.

"University is close from here that's why." Jungkook replied.

"Should have lived in hostels then..."

"We are getting late so need to head out..oh and don't wait for us we gonna have dinner with Bang pd nim."
Without letting jimin complete his sentence again saying so Jungkook dragged Taehyung out of the house.



Reaching garage Jungkook opened the passenger seat door for Taehyung. The younger thanked him taking his seat. Then the older himself went to his driving seat. They were half the way to company when Jungkook noticed that Taehyung is silent from last 10 minutes that is very not him. He glanced at his husband.

"What are you thinking?" Jungkook asked when he noticed Taehyung in his Deep thoughts biting his lips.


"Don't lie."

"It's just...I'm not welcomed here right?"

"It's not like that.."

"I know but sometimes I feel like I'm butting in you all's privacy."

"Don't overthink it's not like that. The members will take some time getting to know you and don't feel bad about jimin's words, he's just sulking since morning coz I changed our movie night plan."

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