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Please read carefully and till the end.

Life is hard but no matter how hard it goes please never loose hope.

There must be some days when you felt like giving, its okay

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There must be some days when you felt like giving, its okay. You have every right to feel it, at the end we are humans afterall. But what should not be okay is actually giving up.

Do not back down, do not give up. When you look back on your life, don't have regrets. Believe in yourself. Just remember everything happens for a reason. You should not give up when you fail in your attempts. You should make up your mind to take failures in a positive way.

Always be a good person.

This isn't the announcement tho-- I don't know why I'm telling all this.






Anygays let's come to actual point.

This book means alot to me. It's really hurting me for what I'm going to do but I don't have any choice. Things are getting harder than I expected. I don't know if I'll be there till the end.

I never imagined that I'll get so much love through this book. Thankyou to all of you. And I love you so much.

It's just idk, I won't be posting from now on. I'm so sorry.

Please don't hate me.

Or don't cancel me😔

















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