Chapter 30

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I'm sorry for being late everytime:⁠^⁠) and do comment I Love them<3
No proofread coz I'm sleepy like hell
It's 5 am lol

a long chapter phew~ *dramatically*

Third person pov~

Next day~

It's near half past six in the morning, the sun is bright, and the sunlight is warm and not harsh. The birds keep chirping, and the breeze is cool. The leaves of the plants are covered from the dew drops. The level of noise pollution in the mornings are less compared to the other times of the day.

The warm sunrays made their way inside the room, a certain raven head was still sleeping calmly hugging a pillow that was replaced by his husband in place of himself. Everything is so calm..ah well except a certain black haired male who is jumping inside the bathroom.

Taehyung can't help but jump around the whole bathroom humming a song in excitement while brushing his teeths. It's still a wonder that how Jungkook is still deep in sleep.

Well not only that, another wonder is that Jeon Taehyung is up early.

If Kim Yuna, his mother was here to see his child up early in the morning she would have donated tons to the poor in happiness.

You may wonder the reason of the younger's excitement? Well it's nothing but the excitement of the photoshoot that is today. Seeing his friends reaction made him eager for the shoot.

And mostly it is because of his husband. I mean who wouldn't be excited to work with his husband right? The shoot is kinda new thing for him. It's different and he knows it. It's gonna be tough and he knows it too but knowing that his husband will be with him makes most of his fear of being infornt of the camera and many people, jump out of the window.

Fastly brushing his teeths he made his way towards the closet, grabbing his clothes and a pair of towels he went to prepare a bath for himself. Not taking too much of the time he gets ready after a fresh bath. Coming out of the bathroom he saw a sight that he can watch till the end.

His husband sleeping peacefully.

Smiling to himself he decided to let Jungkook sleep for a while. He made his way towards the dressing table and instead of using a hair dryer he dried his hairs with a dry towel, not wanting to wake up his husband by the annoying voice of the hair dryer.

Then he did his skin care routine which only consists of hydrating and nourishing moisturizer and then he sprayed some perfume on his right wrist, rubbing his both wrists together he proceeds to rub them on his shirt. Then finally he applied strawberry tint on his lips and tada he's ready.

Smiling to his image in the mirror he made his way towards the bed bending a little he kissed Jungkook's temple and giggling at the way his husband was sleeping, half of the blanket lying down on the floor. He covers the elder with it properly and made his way out.

It was all silence in the whole house as none of the members were awake. No-one has to go to the company as it's their day off which is rare so maybe everyone was having an extra hour of sleep. Shrugging off he reached the kitchen. Standing there for a minute or two he thought of what to make.

Let me remind you he isn't a very good of a cook.

So going with the easy one he decided to make pancakes. Recipe of his husband, something his husband made him for the first time. They were indeed delicious. Licking his lips he gathered all the ingredients and get his work started.

The batter was prepared now he gets the pan ready, he poured a little amount of batter with a spoon. A big smile made its way when the poured battar rised up, he flipped it with the spatula. Okay he was satisfied with the result still he decided to taste first. Noway he is gonna let his husband eat it if it tastes bad. Humming at the taste, he smiled and decided to make it further when an idea hit up on his mind.

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