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Logans POV

"You look like you're about to shit yourself"

"I'm not"

"Why do you look so nervous?"

"I'm. Not" I narrow my eyes at Austin who sits across from me in the limo.

He chuckles shaking his head. He has his arm draped around a random ass blonde that he decided to bring to the charity dinner tonight. A blonde that looks too fucking similar to Sophia.

"I bet you're worried for nothing" the blonde speaks up. "She'll have a great time"

I narrow my eyes at Austin further, basically squinting. I met this girl all of twenty minutes ago when they got into the limo.

He just shrugs his shoulders. I groan pinching my eyes with my fingers. 

I am a little nervous. I'm always nervous when I have to take another big step with Hazel because I don't wanna spook her.

This is a big outing event. There will be a red carpet we have to take pictures on, press, other celebrities. I just don't know how she'll react to it.

"Look man," Austin starts. "she agreed to go. She knows it's a big event, if she didn't feel comfortable she wouldn't have agreed. Just relax"

I nod my head leaning back against the long black leather seat. Before I can even take a deep breath Eddie speaks through the plastic divider.

"We have arrived at Miss Evans apartment"

I dial Hazels number and put the phone to my ear. She answers on the second ring.


"Hey baby" I smile. "We're outside"

"Okay. And you said this is black tie so I'm wearing a long gown. I won't be overdressed right?" she asks and I can hear the slight nervousness in her voice.

"You look perfect" I reply.

"You haven't even seen me yet" she chuckles.

"I don't need to, you always look perfect" 

Austin chuckles and I glare at him. "Whipped" he mouths. I flip him off. 

"Okay, okay. I'm on my way down now" she tells me. There is a significant amount of barking and then she sighs. "It may be a minute"

"Take your time, I'll be waiting outside"

She hangs up the phone and I slide it back in my pocket. I run my hand through my hair once before opening the limo door and getting out.

I stand in front of the limo waiting for Hazel. I'm sure this night will be fine, I'm probably just being overly paranoid. She's been fine this far and she handled going public well.

Tonight will be good for us.

Three minutes later I hear the front door to her apartment building open and I look up. When my eyes land on her I feel like someone stole all the air from out of my lungs.

She is wearing a long gold gown with intricate gold sequence detailing. The neckline dips low showing the perfect amount of chest and the detailing flows all the way down the dress, a significant amount of it on the short train that flows behind her.

She looks stunning.

Breathtaking actually.

The fabric hugs her perfectly, tight around her hips and a bit loser going down to her legs, a style I think is called mermaid or some shit. She turns slightly and I catch a glimpse at the low back that stops just above her ass. 

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