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Logans POV

Hazel shifts nervously on the exam bed while we wait for the doctor to come in for our first ultrasound appointment. Her open notebook with all her questions scribbled down clutched tightly in her hands.

"How big do you think it is?" I ask trying to distract her for the time being.

Her eyebrows knit together in deep thought. "It can't be too big right?" she tilts her head to the side. "Maybe like a lima bean or something?"

I chuckle looking down at her. "A lima bean? That's oddly specific"

She smiles and her grip on the notebook loosens. "How big do you think it is?"

I smirk reaching my hand up and threading my fingers through her hair. "I have the advantage here captain. I know exactly when our baby was conceived"

I realized it a few minutes after I realized she was pregnant. I kept going over and over in my head trying to figure out where I fucked up, thinking that we had been careful enough since she wasn't on birth control. I'd use a condom and pull out. It took me a minute to realize that we weren't careful at all our very first time together that night around six weeks ago.

Hazel is about to ask me what the hell I'm talking about when the door opens and she shifts her attention to the doctor who slips inside.

The lady turns to us with a bright smile. She's around Hazels height with golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She looks very fucking happy to be here.

"Hi!" she smiles even brighter. "I'm Dr. Arizona Robbins. It's so nice to meet you guys"

She holds out her hand first for Hazel to shake and then for me. I shake her hand offering a small smile.

"Thank you so much for being able to take us. I know you're super busy" Hazel says to her.

Dr. Robbins waves her off. "I love taking on new patients. I've been a peds surgeon for a very long time, and I still am. So between splitting my time between that and this, I don't take on many new patients, but I'm always happy when my schedule frees up so I can" she pumps some hand sanitizer in her hands and rubs them together.

Hazel lights up. I think she's more or so relieved that even though Dr. Robbins has only been a certified OBGYN for two years, she has more experience under her belt as a peds surgeon. I find some relief in that too. 

"So this is the first ultrasound appoint correct?" Dr. Robbins asks looking between us.

"Yes" Hazel nods. 

"Awesome" Dr. Robbins smiles. "Well how about you lean back so we can see the little one"

Hazel takes a deep breath and leans back. I smile down at her, brushing her hair out of her face as she rolls up her shirt to expose her stomach.

As Dr. Robbins pulls over the monitor, my heart beats faster than I'd like to admit but I try to keep calm for Hazel.

"This'll be a little cold" Dr. Robbins tells Hazel before squirting the gel on her stomach.

Hazel takes my other hand in hers and I hold it back gently, although she is squeezing so hard that I lose circulation in my fingers.

As Dr. Robbins puts the probe on Hazels belly, she tugs me closer to her side so I bend down and plant a kiss on her cheek. From the small action she visibly relaxes a little.

Our doctor rubs the gel around Hazels belly for a bit before she pauses, and everyone goes eerily silent at the sound that comes from the machine.

A thump thump sound that makes my eyes start to water.

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