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Logans POV

"I can't believe I agreed to this" Waylen grumbles. "If they wanted this to be a good game they should've put us against an actual good team"

I shrug my shoulders while tying the loose belt around my waist with the red flag on it.

"I don't think they care that it's a good game, just a fun one" Connor pipes up.

"Plus the money is for charity. We're playing against an ass team which mean all of our money will go to our charity. It's a win win" Michael slaps Waylens shoulder.

"I know that" he bends down to tie his sneakers. 

Waylen's been in a mood ever since the Super Bowl and no one knows why. He's the team therapist but refuses to talk to anyone about his own problems. I'll get him to talk eventually.

Today we're playing a flag football charity game. It should be fun but at the same time Waylen is right. It'd be a lot more fun if we were playing against a team that was actually good at the regular football, and since they aren't, they're most likely ass at the flag version too.

The boys and I finish getting ready and then head out to the field. The whole team isn't here, but there's enough guys to be able to switch in an out of the game. It's just on our practice field and we don't have an audience because it's being broadcasted and all the ticket sales for that go to charity as well.

We still have about a half hour before the game starts, so while the boys warm up I go over to Hazel who is sitting on the bench to check on her. 

When I reach her the first thing I notice is the discomfort on her face. It's April eleventh and her due date was the fifth. We've tried everything, but he just won't come out. 

I grab the bench that she's sitting on and pull it so that it's under the shade of the tent that we have set up. Then I set it down and stand in front of her.

"How are you feeling?" I ask brushing her damp hair off her forehead.

"Tired, fat, and ugly" she grumbles under her breath.

I frown at her. "You're beautiful, don't say that"

Hazel groans resting her head against the back of the bench. "Shouldn't you be playing football right now?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to check on you" I give her a soft smile.

"Okay well I'm fine. It isn't like he'll be coming out anytime soon, I'll probably be pregnant for another nine months" she mumbles the last part.

I chuckle and bend down pressing a kiss on her lips, then I squat so that I'm eye level with my son. "C'mon little man, we're getting impatient out here" I kiss her stomach softly and I hear Hazel sigh before standing up.

"Holler if you need me" I tell her but she just shuts her eyes and waves me off.

I jog over to where Austin, Jayden, and Leo are standing. They all glance over at Hazel before looking back at me.

"She okay?" Austin asks.

"She's uncomfortable and probably wishing death on me for getting her pregnant in the first place" I sigh tossing the ball around in my hands.

"I mean she was due almost a week ago" Leo points out. "I'd hate you too"

"Thanks" I narrow my eyes at him and he shrugs his shoulders. 

"You're not freaked out or anything?" Jayden asks.

"About her giving birth or being a dad?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Because I'm freaked out about both"

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