*Bonus Chapter 11*

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Aaron James (AJ)

"You're failing two classes"

I grind my teeth together. "I'm not failing. I have C's"

My coach levels me with a look. "I hate to do this because you're our best player AJ, but you know the rules. A's and B's, anything less and you're on probation"

"C'mon" I groan rubbing my face with my hands. "You can't put me on probation, this is my most important year"

"You should've thought about that when you weren't studying" he rubs his chin. "Look AJ, we're in playoffs and we've won championships for five years straight so we have a lot of games left. This last game before midterms isn't important. Sit out that game, get a tutor, ace your midterms and you're in for the rest of the season. Simple as that"

"You've gotta be fucking kidding" I mumble.

"Protocol is to let your parents know-"

"Don't do that!" I lurch forward and knock his office phone away from his hand. "I'll get the tutor, just don't tell my parents okay?"

He eyes me warily before slowly nodding his head. I let out a deep breath. "Don't disappoint me, kid"

"I won't" I stand up and grab my bag from the back of the chair, opening his office door to walk out.

"AJ" his booming voice stops me. "Your tutor has already been set up for you. You'll meet them this afternoon in the library"

I press my lips together and slam his office door closed. Scheming son of a bitch.

- - -

"How are you failing two-" 

I kick Asher's knee in and his leg gives out, making him crash into the lockers beside us. "I didn't tell you that information so you could blab it out-loud"

"If you weren't failing two classes I'd punch you for that" Asher straightens up. I glare at him and he shakes his head. "Mom and dad are gonna find out. They always find out"

"Says the guy who hid a relationship for three years" I roll my eyes.

"They always find out about the shit that you do, not me" he gloats. 

"Whatever, just don't say anything. I'm getting tutored so it doesn't matter anyway" I mumble, adjusting the strap of my bag over my shoulder.

"Who's the tutor?" Asher asks looking over at me.

I shrug. "Hell if I know. Probably some nerd with nothing better to do"

"You know you could just ask Will, he's good at calculus. He helped me with my shit even though he's ass at explaining things"

"I'd fail before asking Will for shit" I scoff.

"Hey," Asher narrows his eyes at me. "Look I know you have your own fucked up reasons, but he is our brother and he's a good brother. You need to let whatever vendetta you have against him go, because it's fucking with him"

I ignore that just as we see a familiar little red head slide in between us and stay there as we walk to lunch. "Hey guys," Calla looks between us nervously.

"Calla," Asher greets her. "What's going on?"

"Oh nothing," she chuckles, turning her head when we pass a group of students who are eyeing her down. "Can I walk to lunch with you guys?"

I throw my arm around her shoulder and we stop walking, turning in the direction of the group of freshman huddled by the lockers. Three guys and two girls, they all look at us. "They giving you trouble?" I raise my eyebrows.

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