*Bonus Chapter 2*

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Hazels POV

I am so close to losing all of my marbles and throwing them at the closest living thing. Which is not good because the closest living things to me are my two very loudly wailing babies.

Whom I love dearly.

But I want to rip my hair out.

"Please stop crying, or you're going to wake up your brother-"

Too late.

Wills crying filters through the baby monitor and I want to scream.

Life is not normally like this. Normally I can handle two five month olds and a one and a half year old. But there are days, like this one, where everything is just off balance. It's just an off day. And it doesn't help that Logan isn't here. He's normally my rock in these situations. He squashes my stress before I can even think about having it.

Right now, I'm stuck. I have three crying babies and I cannot bring myself to move from my position at the kitchen island with my face in my hands. 

Aaron and Asher are at my feet in their baby rocker swings, screaming their lungs out. They are fed, changed, and comfortable. But upset for a reason I don't know.

Will doesn't cry unless he's hungry or needs a change, or if his brothers are crying. Since I can rule the first two out, I know it's the latter. I'm pretty sure he's an empath because he kinda does the same thing with me and Logan. For instance if I'm holding him when I'm sad or stressed, he can feel that, and it makes him sad so he cries.

Right now he's supposed to be taking a nap which he normally does well, and so do Asher and Aaron, but today is just not a good day for anyone.

And I don't have enough arms to hold three crying babies.

So we're back to square one. Me about to lose my marbles.

"Please stop crying" I whisper rubbing my hands over my face. "Please, I can't do this right now"

My laptop is open because I normally work while they nap. I was supposed to be writing a blog post but I got two words in before the crying started again. 

I'm still working with the Cowboys but I have a permanent assistant. They didn't want to lose me as an employee and I definitely didn't want to stop working there, but I couldn't do everything and be a mom. My assistant helps on days that I can't be there for their practices. I miss being there everyday, but I had to delegate and compromise. I'd much rather be present for my kids.

It's times like this where I feel like a horrible mother. I should be doing my best to console my kids, try and figure out what's wrong with them, hold them for christssake. But I'm so overwhelmed that I can't move.

I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm not crying is because then there would be four people in this house crying and I'm positive that would push me over the edge. 

Our dogs Bently and Theo are outside in the back yard because if they were inside they would be barking and I can't deal with that right now.

I'm getting a headache. 

And I guess I'm so out of it that I don't even notice the front door open and close.

"Hazel?" Logan calls even though I barely hear it through all the crying. I'm too tired to respond.

I hear him come into the kitchen and then a second later his fingers are running through my hair. When I look up at him, his face breaks which means I probably look like shit.

Normally I have it together. Three kids under the age of two? No big deal, I've got it covered. I love spending time with my babies, I love them more than anything.

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