*Bonus Chapter 3*

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Logans POV

I'm sitting on the floor in the living room having a beer while my parents are sat on the couch. My mom is holding Asher, giving him a bottle, while my dad is cradling AJ in one hand and a beer in the other. Will is crawling around on the mat next to me.

"Dada" Will babbles. "Mama. Dada. Mama. Mama"

He's been doing that a lot, like he's trying to figure out which word he likes better. Or which parent. 

"Thanks for coming over today by the way. I know normally Saturdays we're both home and it's you guys day off from helping out" I take a swig of my beer.

"That's not a problem honey. If you wanted us to help every single day we would" she smiles kissing Ashers forehead and he makes grabby hands at her. 

Once they found a house here, them moving was a fairly quick process. It all happened within a month. We've got a good schedule going. Hazel works Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with the Cowboys so my parents watch them until we both get him from work. Wednesday mornings I have off so they come around the afternoon. Tuesdays and Thursdays Hazel works from home so just my mom comes over to help out. And on Thursday nights Hazel and I go on dates so they'll watch them while we're out.

It's working pretty damn well. 

Plus they're always around for emergency babysitting which is great since the only people we've trusted enough for that have their own jobs and their lives don't revolve around us. 

Today Hazel hasn't been feeling too good and the babies were rowdy. Right now she's upstairs taking a shower.

Grandparents are great, their lives revolve around their grandkids.

And my parents have plenty to go around.

"You make cute kids" my dad grunts dangling his beer in front of AJ who is reaching for it. "Well your wife does"

"Thanks" I roll my eyes.

"Jack, stop teasing your grandchild with alcohol" my mom scolds.

"I did it to him" he tips his head in my direction. "He turned out to be a star quarterback. Maybe this is the trick" he shakes the bottle at AJ who makes very happy noises.

"That makes no sense" my mom sighs.

I chuckle, raising my beer to my lips.

"Logan Alexander Foster if you don't get your ass upstairs I'm going to fucking kill you!" Hazel screams.

I stop mid sip, my eyes wide as saucers. Even the babies have gone quiet.

"Uh-oh" my dad chuckles.

"Shut up" I glare at him before standing up. I walk down the short hallway and then jog up the stairs.

I cautiously walk into our bedroom, taking a nervous drink of the beer still in my hand. I'm trying to figure out what the fuck I could've done, but I'm coming up empty. As far as I know I've been the perfect gentleman.

Hopefully anyway.

"Hazel?" I call out once I find the room empty.

"Bathroom" she replies.

I walk over to the bathroom and then open the door. When I step inside she immediately shoves something into my chest making me stumble a little. 

"What's going on? Are you okay?" I scan her with my eyes. She's just wrapped in a white towel, her hair that she let grow out wet from just getting out of the shower.

I lick my lips and look back into her eyes. 

"Uh-uh don't look like that. I'm mad at you" Hazel crosses her arms over her chest giving me a defiant look.

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