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Hazels POV

18 weeks

Why is my fiancé so hot?

I mean seriously, it should be a crime to be that hot. Especially while working out.

Sweat on other people? Disgusting and smelly.

Sweat on him? It's like body oil making him glisten like some kind of god, and how can he still smell so good?

I lick my ice cream cone as my eyes rake up and down his entire body while he does pull-ups on the bar. His back and arm muscles flexing, putting me into a trance.

We're in the gym in our basement at home. It's Saturday morning and their first playoff game is tomorrow. And yes I'm eating ice cream in the morning, the baby wants what it wants.

Logan hops down from the bar and turns around. His eyes catch mine, mid lick with ice cream all on my tongue. He smirks walking over to me, in all his sweaty glory.

Even the way he walks is hot.

God I'm so horny.

"Was I giving you a show?" he raises an eyebrow.

I lick my lips, my eyes raking over his body again but stopping where his V line dips into his workout shorts. He'd definitely fuck me right now if I asked.

My eyes go back up to his. "The best kind"

Logan chuckles while putting his large hand on my hip and pulling me closer to him, the ice cream in between our bodies. He bends down brushing his lips over mine. The shudder that runs through me almost makes me drop the cold delight.

"Good morning" he rasps.

My eyes flutter shut as his lips press against mine. 

The kiss is toe curling, breathtaking, and ground shaking. It empties all of the thoughts in my brain leaving it a foggy mess. 

I sigh into his lips as his tongue explores my mouth like he's never tasted it before and I gain a pulse between my legs.

Logan breaks the kiss as soon as he realizes that if it were between his lips and oxygen, I wouldn't chose oxygen. In fact I'm fairly certain I could live off of his lips alone, oxygen be damned

"Why are you up so early?" he asks tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I'm sure my hair is a frizzy mess since I literally just rolled out of bed, got ice cream, and scoured the house for my fiancé.

All of that and it's only five thirty in the morning.

I've had a busy day.

"I can't sleep without my personal heater" I look up at him while licking the last bit of ice cream and then biting into the cone.

"Sorry, I wanted to get a workout in before the interview today" he says softly. 

"What time is that again?" I ask still munching on the cone.


"And you woke up at five in the morning because..." I look at him in confusion.

"Because I needed to workout, shower, wake up my beautiful pregnant wife to be, make her breakfast, and tell her that we need to make our announcement before noon" he smirks.

"Seems like you skipped a few steps" I chuckle popping the last of the cone into my mouth.

"You woke yourself up" he narrows his eyes and pinches my butt. I laugh swatting his hand away.

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