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Hazels POV

Is it stupid to say that I was starting to think I would never experience the feeling of his arms wrapped around me again?

He smells the same, feels the same only stronger, and looks the same only older and so much more handsome than I remember even though he has always been handsome.

His hands wrap securely around my waist and even though it's probably been a minute, definitely longer than what one would consider a friendly hug, I can't bring myself to let go of him.

It's been six years.

How do I hug him for six years?

"I have to check you up" I mumble into his shoulder with my hands still clasped around his neck. I haven't made an effort to move yet.

"Hmm?" He questions after a moment.

I pull back a little and he pulls back to look down at me, both of our arms still wrapped around each other.

"I have to give you your physical" I chuckle and he smiles down at me. I honestly still don't think he heard what I said.

Finally letting go of him, I saunter over to the exam bed and pick up my tablet. I tap the exam bed twice looking over at him. "Sit"

He walks over and hops up on the bed, his feet only barely skimming the floor because of his long legs. I grab my stethoscope and put the two pieces in my ear before leaning forward and placing the flat piece on Logans chest.

I smile hearing his heart beat in my ears.

"Deep breath in" I instruct.

He inhales deeply.

"Out" I mumble a little softer as I get lost in the sound of his heart.

He exhales a shaky breath, and for some reason it makes me smile even harder knowing that he's so nervous. His heart is beating faster than what I know to be normal and his breaths are a little less consistent.

I move the stethoscope over his chest checking his lungs before leaning a bit more forward to reach around his back. My chest brushes against his and my hand is placed next to his on the bed.

"Take another deep breath in for me" I say to him, my breath fanning against his cheek.

His breath shakes as he inhales and I feel his fingers brush against mine. Heat races through my hand and up my arm, and suddenly I'm back in high school being touched by him for the first time.

He exhales and I clear my throat before stepping back and wrapping my stethoscope around my neck. I grab my tablet and write his name in the open space before checking off the first box.

"You know," I set my tablet back down and grab my otoscope. "I should've known"

I move to his side and turn on the light on the otoscope to look inside his ear.

"Known what?" He asks, his eyes following me as I move around his other side to check his other ear.

I set the otoscope back on its hook and move to the corner of the room to turn off the light. I walk back over to him, grab my ophthalmoscope and shine it in his right eye.

"Look at the red dot behind me"

He fixates on the dot behind me and after a few seconds I hold up my finger. "Follow my finger"

I move my finger around and watch as he follows it. I repeat the same thing with his left eye, hang the instrument back up and then turn the lights back on.

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