2| There's Something About Jamie

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a/n: I'm only going to put this note on this chapter: I'm going to have some mini flashbacks with Jamie and Ollie from before and during Harper's wedding. They will be italicized like it is below. The rest is present day with Ollie also in Paris, France. Enjoy!


This right here was why guys hated shopping so much. 

Jamie dragged me to the mall over two hours ago to help her find a dress for her best friend's wedding. A wedding where I stupidly volunteered to be her date. Okay, she didn't necessarily drag me here. She asked me to come, and the word 'yes' slipped out before I could even think about it. But it was stupid of me to volunteer. For many reasons. 

Leaning back in the very uncomfortable chair outside of the women's fitting room, I stretched my legs out, crossing them at the ankles, and exhaled a deep breath. I should actually be packing right now. I was way behind on getting all my stuff into storage before I moved out of the country. But instead of doing what I was supposed to be doing, I was here. 

That day in the coffee shop came to mind and I couldn't help but smile a little when I remembered my interaction with Jamie. She was so flustered and overwhelmed. Clearly, she had been dealing with her overbearing mother for a while now. I still had no idea what possessed me to offer to be her date. 

There was just something about Jamie that reached out to me. Something that caught my attention and drew me to her. After she accepted my offer and I left her in front of that coffee shop, I went home and sat on my couch, replaying the whole thing over in my head. I kept trying to understand why the hell I would do something like this. Why I would put myself in a position of getting to know someone with a witty, fiery personality. Or the eyes of a warrior.

Shit. Her eyes were ocean blue and fierce, proof that she had dealt with some real shit in her life and survived it. She was strong. Brave. A complete fucking mess. And the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 

Deciding to focus on something else, I tilted my head towards her dressing room. "Are you still alive in there?"

"I'll be out in a minute! Be patient!"

"Patient?" I scoffed. "Jamie, I've been sitting here like a good boy in this godforsaken uncomfortable chair while you've tried on over a dozen dresses. How many more do you have in there? Wait, I bet someone's in there with you making these right now, right?" 

"Very funny," she drawled, and even though I couldn't see her, I knew she was rolling her eyes. 

More rustling from the fitting room. What the hell was taking her so long with this one? She's been in there for awhile now. 

"Why didn't you ask one of your friends to come with you?" I frowned when something occurred to me. "Aren't you a bridesmaid? Don't you all wear the same dress that the bride picks out?" 

When silence answered me, I started to turn towards the fitting room. Then I heard the sound of the door opening so I stayed where I was and waited for her to come out with her newest option. Hopefully this one looked better than the others she tried on. I told her before we got here that if she wanted me to come, I was going to be blatantly honest with her regarding my opinion. But I was kinda hoping that we could start having more good reviews than bad ones.

"What do you think?" 

Time and everything else came to a startling halt as my eyes ate up the view in front of me. She had on a blue silky dress that went to the floor. There was a deep V in the front and a thigh-high slit on the right side. The color of the dress made her blue eyes stand out more. Her long red curls were draped over one shoulder. 

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