50| It Was Inevitable

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There was a brief moment when I woke up this morning where I didn't know where the hell I was or who I was in bed with. But then I remembered what happened.

I remembered Ollie showing up at Harper and Jackson's yesterday when I told everyone that there was no Ollie and Jamie. I also remembered when he told me he gave up his once in a lifetime job for me because he was in love with me.

"You're my once in a lifetime."

His words caused me to get goosebumps. Especially when I remembered what came after that. Him bringing me to his hotel and making love to me all night long until I fell asleep in his arms.

"Good morning, beautiful."

I smiled against the soft skin of his chest. His fingers were stroking my hair as I looked up at him. Damn those blue eyes of his. They were staring down at me with so much love I almost had to look away. And that smile...

"Good morning yourself," I murmured back at him with a smile of my own.

He reached out and stroked my cheek with his thumb. "How did you sleep?"

"Amazingly. You?"

"I always sleep good with you in my arms." His response made my smile falter. Sitting up in the bed, I pulled the sheet around me. "Jamie? What is it?"

It took everything inside me to hold back the tears as my eyes met his. "God, Ollie. I'm so sorry for leaving you." Against my will, the tears started to fall. "I really regret that. I was scared and I ran away. I can't even imagine what that was like for you when you woke up and I was gone—"

"Hey, hey. Stop that." He was sitting up now as well. His expression was a mix of confusion and concern as he cupped my face in his hands to wipe away my tears. "I'm not saying that I didn't freak out or wasn't upset that you left, but I understood. You don't have anything to apologize for, Jamie. Besides, that is behind us now. We're here. Together."

Ollie kissed me softly, each brush of his lips against mine were reassuring promises that everything was okay now. They were together and would never be apart.

When we pulled away from each other, I reached out and traced my fingers over his face lightly before he turned to kiss the inside of my palm.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I know you said it was your choice to give up your job to be with me, but I can't let you do that. I can't let it be my fault."

As much as I wanted to be with him, I knew how much he loved his work, and what this opportunity meant. I would never forgive myself if I was the one standing in the way of that.

"You should know by now that I know you too well, Guinevere." His eyes held mine and a corner of his mouth curled up in a wry grin. "I didn't turn down the job."

My mouth dropped open at his confession. "Wait, you didn't? But I thought... Yesterday you said that you—"

He cut me off with a sound kiss. "I know what I said. And I meant every word of it. You are worth more than any job I could ever get. And I wouldn't hesitate to turn it down to be with you. But like I said, I know you. I knew that you wouldn't stop nagging at me and worrying about me resenting you if I turned it down. So I didn't."

Now I was confused. Completely dumbfounded. "But if you didn't turn it down, how can this work with us?"

"I spoke to Jean-Luc. I told him I would take the job but there had to be a few conditions."

"Conditions?" My breath seemed to freeze in my lungs as I waited for him to explain it to me. Would these conditions be good or bad? The last thing I wanted was to be apart from him, and the reality of that scared me.

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now