41| Sooner Rather Than Later

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Leaving Jamie at the warehouse with my mother felt like a bad call. It's been hours since I kissed her goodbye. I'm sure by now my mother was on her twentieth interrogation question. She probably knew more about Jamie than I did—and I studied that woman when I was her 'fake date' to Harper's wedding.

I just hoped Jamie was okay. I didn't really tell my mom anything about Cherise or what Jamie has been going through. My mom knew something was going on, but I felt like if I told her then she wouldn't be able to help herself with questions and trying to make it better for Jamie.

But a promise is a promise. I needed to stop worrying about her and start focusing on the time I was spending with my dad. Speaking of, I looked over to the left and saw him bringing some fresh pastries to our table at La Rose De Baguette.

"Told you that you'd like this place," I joked when I saw his plate filled with Danish.

"You know I've always had a sweet tooth, son." He took two big bites of the Danish before looking back up at me. "Thanks again for letting us stay with you and Jamie. She seems like a good girl."

I tried and failed to bite back my smile. "Yeah, she's amazing."

Amazing didn't begin to cover it if I was being completely honest. When I walked into the bedroom last night and saw her taking off her jewelry at my dresser, my heart nearly stopped. That site alone made me realize how much I wanted her and I to be a real couple. In a real relationship. I wanted to live with her. I wanted her stuff mixed with mine.

"How do you think the girls are doing?"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I scoffed at his question. "Honestly, she probably knows every school Jamie attended, every grade she made in every class, the name of every guy she ever..."

My rambling got caught off when a mind numbing jealousy started coursing through me. I never thought about Jamie with other guys before. And we've never talked about her ex's. But now that I said that, I couldn't get it out of my head. The truth was, I didn't want her with any other man. I didn't want another guy kissing her, and I for damn sure didn't want some other guy making love to her.

My dad's expression was a mixture of worry and frustration. Worried about me getting hurt if this thing with Jamie crashed and burned. Frustrated that I haven't come clean with Jamie about that night. Basically in his eyes I was digging my own grave if I kept going down this path.

Clearing my throat, I say up in my chair. "Mom is probably onto her college history by now," I said, hoping to get my mind to stop spiraling out of control with images I did not want to see.

"You're probably right, Ollie. Do you think she's doing okay? You know, with all the questions?"

My dad knew I didn't tell my mom anything regarding Jamie's situation. And I know he didn't say anything either.

"I think so. Shit. I hope so." I exhaled a deep breath. "She insists that she's all right. And in her defense, she does seem better "

"Maybe she is."

"What if she isn't?"

My dad sat his Danish down. "Listen to me, son. I may not know Jamie that well, but I think you should trust her and take her word for it." He shook his head slowly. "I love you, but you don't want to smother her. You may end up pushing her away. Trust her word. And trust that if she does need you and she's not okay, she'll come to you."

He was right. I knew he was right. I guess that was the problem when you were in love with someone. You just wanted to make sure they were safe and happy. You wanted to protect them from anything and everything around them. Sometimes you even had to protect them from themselves.

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now