10| The Right Bait

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"Are you sure you're up for this? Because I will totally, absolutely understand if you, ya know, aren't up for this. I mean...wouldn't be up for this. Especially with a mom as crazy as—"

I pressed my index finger against her lips to cut her off. "Jamie, you're doing it again." 

"No, I'm not," she mumbled against my skin.

"Yes, you are. You're rambling. Again." Removing my finger, I sighed and glanced at the large mahogany door. "I told you when I agreed to this that I was in. I'm all the way in with you on this. One hundred percent."

With wide eyes, she shook her head, her thick red curls bouncing. "This is crazy. We are crazy. Especially you! I mean, I was just a lunatic in a coffee shop telling strange men to stop calling, but you were the one who offered to come and be my date for—"

Again, I pressed my finger to her lips. This time with a sly smile. "If I didn't know better, I would think you were doing this rambling thing just to get me to touch you some more." 

My teasing caused her brows to drop into a deep V as she glared at me. And I didn't miss the way her cheeks heated with embarrassment. "What? No! I don't want any kind of...there's no touching!"

"I don't know," I drawled, crossing my arms over my chest. "I mean, what if your mom isn't convinced that we are, you know, actually dating? She might be expecting to see a kiss. Or two." 

"No kisses, Ollie. No kisses and no touching."

"But what if—"

It was her turn to cut me off. Taking a page out of my book, she covered my mouth with her hand. "No. No buts. No what ifs. No touches. No kisses. No nothing. We just have to sell it as best we can." 

When she finally removed her hand, I took a chance and cautiously reached out and placed my hands on her shoulders. "Can you do something for me, Jamie?" 

"You're touching me again."

"I know," I said with a smile. Before this girl, I swear I never smiled this much. Which wasn't a good thing. "Just go with it." 

"Fine. What." 

"Look at me, Jamie." 

She shrugged beneath my hands, confusion coloring her face. "I am looking at you." 

I shook my head. "No. Look at me, Jamie. Look in my eyes. Good. That's good. Now take a deep breath with me, okay? And again." 

She did as I instructed, and I felt her body start to relax beneath mine. I repeated the command a few more times. To be honest, this wasn't just for her. I may not be as crazy nervous as she was right now, but I still had my own fair share of anxiety. But no way in hell was I telling her that. I needed to remain calm enough for the both of us. 

"Better?" I asked her softly. 

"Yeah," she nodded. "Better. Thanks." 

A corner of my mouth lifted, and before I could think better of it, my right hand gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Anytime, Lovette. Now, you ready to do this?" 

With a firm nod and another deep breath, Jamie and I both turned and faced the door. I waited a few seconds until she was ready. I mean really ready. Until she reached out and opened the front door to the apartment she shared with her mom. 

The thick aroma of Italian food wafted out to us, a clear sign Mrs. Lovette had everything ready for this meet-the-boyfriend-dinner. I could almost feel the mental war going on in Jamie's mind at that moment. The urge to call this whole thing off and never speak to me again. Then there was the solid resolve and determination to beat her mom at this whole relationship control thing. If anyone was stuck between a rock and a hard place right now, it was Jamie Lovette. 

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now