20| Swings And Late Night Talks

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Now that I finally had some clothes on, I found myself standing in the kitchen with a very curious Simone while we waited for Jamie to get dressed and rejoin us. Even though being walked in on was super awkward and inconvenient, I wouldn't have changed a single thing about how I spent the past few hours. 

Over the past year, I've imagined what it would be like to be with Jamie in an intimate way. I've dreamed about it, laid in bed for hours thinking about it, and even spent countless sessions daydreaming about it as I sat in front of my easel not painting. But none of those instances compared to the real thing. 

It was amazing. Honestly, the best sex I've ever had in my life. And Jamie...Shit, I was in deep trouble. If I thought I had feelings before, they were only going to get stronger the closer we got. And it wasn't even my own feelings that scared me. It was hers. Every fiber of my being told me that if Jamie started feeling something for me—I mean really feeling something for me—then she was going to run. That's who she was. When things got hard, the painstakingly beautiful Jamie Lovette ran away. 

"She is even prettier than in your sketches, non?" When I shot Simone a how-the-hell-do-you-know-that look, she explained in a soft voice, "You left your book open on the counter one day that I came by to drop off dinner for you. And before you ask, non, I didn't look through it. It was open to that page already. I knew instantly she was the girl who has been consuming your thoughts."

Consuming my thoughts was an understatement. "Yeah, she's beautiful," I replied with a smile. "I don't think she has any idea how beautiful she is." 

"How did she come to stay here with you?" 

Exhaling a deep sigh I said, "Completely by chance." 

Simone brushed her long blonde hair over her shoulder. "Don't hold back, Ollie. I know there's more to the story." 

Perhaps, but it wasn't a story available for everyone to read. For now, it was between Jamie and me. "Now's not the time, Sim. Can we deal with this awkward intrusion that happened today?" 

"Oui. The reason I came by unexpectedly was because—"

"Sorry," Jamie interrupted as she came down the stairs. She was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank-top with her hair tied up in a messy bun. She looked awkwardly between Simone and myself. "And I'm sorry about the whole...ya know." 

Simone smiled at Jamie. "It's quite alright. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I'm so used to just coming by, I wasn't expecting to see anyone else here."

The moment Simone started talking, the smile on Jamie's face disappeared. Yeah, this is what I've been worried about since she and I got interrupted. Jamie recognized Simone's voice as the one on the other end of the phone line that day she called me from the States. The day I now know she was reaching out to me because her of what happened with her mom. 

Clearing my throat, I started to explain. "Jamie, this is my friend and the wife of my boss, Jean-Luc. Her name is Simone."

Understanding dawned on her face instantly and she looked back at Simone. "Wife," she repeated with an awkward laugh and extended her hand. "I'm Jamie Lovette." 

"The pleasure is mine," Simone replied before glancing over at me. "If you don't mind Ms. Lovette, there are a few work things I need to speak to Mr. Lake about." 

Jamie started backing out of the room and towards the kitchen. "Yeah, sure. I mean, it's—yeah. I'll just be over here." 

Once she was gone, I looked back at our intruder. "What's up, Sim? Is there something wrong with the show?" 

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now