1| Rash Decisions

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They say that you should never make big or rash decisions when you lose a loved one. 

I say fuck that. Losing my mom was something I wasn't prepared for. Something I never would have been prepared for. Hell, no one was ready for something like that. I've tried to start the so-called 'healing process'. Honest. I even went to a grief counselor because Danielle made me. 

My friends were worried about me. Every single one of them, rightfully so. One of them would show up to my place at least twice a day. Some brought food and words of encouragement. Some, like Jackson and Karma, just came and sat next to me quietly. No words spoken. No food brought. Nothing. I knew it was because they've been where I was. Even though Nate and Lanie also lost their parents and understood, it was still pretty fresh for Jackson and Karma. Especially the latter. 

I appreciated everything my friends did for me, but this was something I needed to deal with on my own. My way. There just wasn't anything they could do for me—hence the rash decisions. Those seemed the way to go right now. 

And I was about to make my first one. 

"Are you sure about this, Jamie?" Principal Roberts glanced at the paper I handed him when I first came into his office.

"Yes," I answered. "I think it would be best."

Mr. Roberts frowned and leaned back in his chair. At just over six-feet-tall, he towered over his desk. Gray hair dusted the top of his dark brown curls. He still had a youthfulness to his face, even at the age of forty-four.

"I can only imagine how hard the past few months have been on you, Jamie." He held the paper up. "But I'm not sure that handing in your resignation and quitting your job is the best choice. I definitely don't want to lose you as one of my teachers."

I shifted in the chair before I crossed my legs. "I appreciate that, Mr. Roberts. But I plan on going away for a while, and I'm not sure exactly when I'm going to be coming back. I don't want to put that burden on you. I know how short-staffed we've been lately."

It was true. I felt like the best thing for me right now was to put some space between myself and New York City. There's been too much pain here over the past couple years. I already knew how my friends were going to feel about it, but this was about me and what I needed right now. And what I needed was space. And that space was going to be the size of the Atlantic Ocean.

"How about this?" My boss asked. "We put you on personal leave indefinitely. When you decide you're ready to come back, call me and let me know. There will always be a place for you here, Jamie."

Staring at him blankly, my lips parted. I was so taken aback by his offer; I couldn't seem to come up with a response. The truth was, I loved my job. Knowing that it would still be here if and when I decided to return back to the city was a relief.

"Thank you, Mr. Roberts. I really appreciate that."

Walking out of my boss' office, I glanced both ways down the long hallway. Since Harper, Lanie, and I worked at the same school, my chances of avoiding them so I could make my escape were slim to none. Didn't mean I wasn't going to try though. 

Pulling the hood of my black jacket up, I started down the north side of the hallway that led to the faculty parking lot. Just a few more feet and I would be free and clear and onto Rash Decision Number Two.


Busted. Turning around, I managed a small smile. "Hey, Harp." At least it wasn't Lanie. I didn't need her crazy accurate intuition right now. 

Harper returned my smile, but her expression read 'tread softly'. "Hey. I didn't know you were coming by today. Are you starting back at work?" 

It's only been five weeks since my mom's service. Everyone, including myself, expected me to take some time off before returning to work. Little did my best friend know that I was taking much more than just a little time off. 

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now