47| Safe Haven

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Harper and Jackson's large, beautiful guestroom has been the perfect safe haven since I returned to the states. And it wasn't just because of the plush queen sized bed or the large window that looked out over the city. It was the spacious bathroom that was to the left of the dresser.

Ever since my return two days ago, Harper and Jackson have both been walking on eggshells around me. One after another, they would take turns lightly knocking on the door, asking if I'm all right or if I needed anything. I swear, if that bathroom wasn't in the bedroom, they would surely ambush me when I walked out of the bedroom.

If I truly wanted to be alone though, I could have always went back to my empty apartment or stayed in a hotel. But the former was something I was NOT ready for. And the latter...well, truth was that I didn't want to be alone. Not completely alone, that is. As much as I wasn't ready to talk to any of my friends about everything that happened in Paris, it was nice to know that only a door separated them from me. Just in case.

God, I missed Ollie. The pain and guilt hasn't diminished since I boarded that flight. My chest felt like someone cut it open and ripped my heart out. And I knew just who did the cutting. Me. I'm the cause of my own pain. Maybe I wasn't ready to admit it out loud, but I cut out that heart of mine and left it in a warehouse in Paris. And ever since then I've been bleeding. Bleeding for Ollie. There weren't enough tissues in the world to staunch the blood.

Knock knock knock. "Jamie? Can I come in?"

That familiar British accent had me groaning and rolling over, putting my back to the door as I stuffed my face into the pillow.

"Come now, pet," he said in a pleading tone as if he could see me clearly through the door. "Don't be like that."

"Go away, Jackson." It was muffled from the pillow, but he got the gist.

"I have news."

That got me to at least pick my head up. But I still didn't say anything.

"It's about Ollie," he tacked on.

My stomach dropped when he said that. I didnt like news of any kind. News, good or bad, only led to pain, pain, and more pain. News was how I ended up boarding a plane that took be to Paris in the first place. And it was also what had me boarding a flight that brought be home again.

Fuck news.

But still...I couldn't ignore news from Ollie. "This better not be a trick, Jackson."

"On my honor," he vowed from the other side of thr door.

"Fine. Come in."

There was a click as the door opened and Jackson came inside. I turned over in the bed before sitting up and propping myself against the headboard. Jackson came to the other side of the bed, flopping down on it and stretching his legs out.

"Make yourself comfortable," I muttered before spying the plate in his hand. "What's that for?"

"You need to eat." He nodded towards the assortment of food. "Your choices are fruit, a bagel, a muffin, or a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with two options for milk: regular or," cringe from Jackson "almond milk."

Knowing it was pointless to argue with the man, I reached for the muffin. "Thanks."

Jackson sat the plate on the bedside table then handed me a white coffee cup. "I think it's made how you like it. I asked Harper before she left."

Without saying a word, I reached for the coffee. It seemed silly that something like freshly brewed coffee could make fresh tears well up in my eyes, but it reminded me of all those mornings Ollie would wake me up with a kiss and my favorite coffee.

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now