35| Absolutely Perfect

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Well, today was the day. The day. The big date.

Naturally, Ollie wouldn't give me any hints as to what we were doing or where we were going. I knew the whole thing was going to be a surprise, so I wasn't expecting him to tell me anything that would spoil it, but I was hoping he would at least give me a little clue as to what I should wear.

I took a chance and confided in Simone about the date. Even though she didn't know what he had planned for us, I was hoping she could at least help me with picking an outfit. She was more than happy to help, and pointed out that she had gotten to know Ollie over the past few months and had a pretty good idea of a few possibilities of what he had planned.

So my date outfit ended up being a dark blue dress that was suitable for a nice dinner, but it also had a summer-y vibe to it. I just hoped Ollie liked it. Speaking of, I was sitting at the counter in the warehouse, picking at some fruit while I waited for him to get back from running an errand. I was a little confused as to why he wanted to run an errand right before we went on a date, but then again maybe he was just as nervous as I was and needed a little air.

I wouldn't blame him if that was true. Yeah, I was the one who brought up the whole idea of going on a real date, but I was also extremely nervous. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Frowning, I slid off the stool and walked across the hardwood floors to answer it. Maybe it was Simone. But she also knew what today was, so why the hell would she be stopping by right now?

Reaching for the knob, I turned it and opened the door. "Ollie?" He was standing in front of me looking very, very good. He was wearing a black dress shirt with a pair of matching dress pants. Just like the romantic dinner we had not too long ago, his hair was slicked back with a little gel. "Why are you standing out here?"

When he gave me a wry smile I realized he had his hands behind his back. "This is a date, isn't it? I'm picking you up." Then he extended his right hand out to me and offered me a single red rose. "For you."

I always thought the whole single red rose on a date thing was a little cliche and overused. But in this moment, it was anything but. I took the flower from him and smiled like an idiot. "Thank you."

As if he'd been using all his restraint to keep his hands to himself, he reached for my waist and pulled my body flush against his. Then there was the amazing feeling of his lips pressing against mine. I sighed into the kiss and my body melted against his.

"You look so beautiful," he murmured when he pulled away.

"Thank you. I was hoping you'd like the dress. And that it was appropriate for whatever you had planned for us today."

With a charming smile that made me weak in the knees, he brushed a piece of my hair out of my face. "It's absolutely perfect. You ready?"

"You have no idea," I replied softly before getting in the passenger side of his car. Ollie got in the driver side, and once he got the car started, he reached over to lace his fingers with mine. "Still not going to tell me anything about our date, huh?"

"Nope. Trust me when I say it's going to be worth the surprise."

The scary part was, I did trust him. Completely. It's been a long time since I've felt that way about someone who wasn't included in my inner circle of close friends and family. Ollie got under my skin and I had no idea how to get him out.

Even though my eyes took in the sights of trees and buildings and people as we drove to our destination, I wasn't really paying attention to any of it. As excited as I was about the date we were going on, I couldn't help but wonder if he had ever taken a girl where we were going.

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now