49| Once In A Lifetime

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A thousand different scenarios about how Jamie would react to me showing up here went through my head during my nearly nine hour flight from Paris to New York City. Most of those scenarios all had her being royally pissed off at me and accusing me of invading her space.

But none of those scenarios included her running into my arms. Running to me. Not a single goddamn one. When I walked into Harper and Jackson's condo and saw literally everyone standing there, I felt a brief moment of panic that something was wrong.

But then my eyes found Jamie's. Christ, her eyes. There was so much in those ocean blues. Surprise and shock at my arrival, yes, but there was more too. So much more. Tightening my arms around her, I buried my face in her red curls, breathing her in just because I could.

"I missed you, beautiful," I murmured. "Shit. I missed you so much."

That seemed to snap her back to reality when suddenly she pulled away from me and took a few steps back. "Ollie, what are you doing here?"

"What do you think I'm doing here?"

Silence hung between us for a few seconds. At first there was a longing in her eyes. Like she was hoping and praying I would come for her. That quickly changed to fear.

"This won't work," she said flatly. "We won't work."

"Why?" I asked as I held her gaze. "Because you overheard my boss offering me an amazing job? Is that why you think we won't work? Because let me tell you right now, this wouldn't be the first time I chose you over a work proposition."

That made her frown. "What do you mean?"

If I had any shot of winning her back and convincing her that she and I were meant for each other, I needed to be honest and lay everything out for her. Every little bit of truth.

"The day before Harper's wedding, I called my boss and told him I didn't want the job in Paris. I wanted you. The only reason I changed my mind and called him back was because I knew that you weren't ready for anything serious. And if you don't believe me ask Nate. He was there."

Everyone looked at Nate and he started awkwardly shifting back and forth on his feet as he stammered. "Well, I didn't...you know. I was just in the hallway. Not like...Karma and Jamie were in the restroom!" His eyes went to his girlfriend and his expression turned pleading. "Please don't look at me like that, gorgeous."

Karma slapped him on the arm. "That was the big secret? Nathan, I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

Once again shock and surprise colored Jamie's beautiful face when she turned back to look at me. "Even if that's true, this job offer is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Ollie. If you give it up to be with me..." Tears welled up in her eyes and she shook her head. "You'll end up resenting me for it. I can't let you do that."

I knew she meant every word she said. She honestly believed I would end up resenting her if I gave up painting. But I also knew her. She was hiding behind the job offer. It was a way to break things off to protect herself.

"It's my choice if I take the job or not, Lovette. So what else ya got?" I was challenging her now. Ready to have a debate with her right here and now in front of everyone just to prove that there was nothing standing in the way of us being together.

I could see the wheels turning in that stubborn head of hers as she crossed her arms over her chest and pressed her lips into a grim line.

"We live on different continents!" She finally said. "How the hell could we make it work? There's long distance, then there's long distance. We wouldn't survive being separated by a whole ocean, Ollie."

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now