40| Intermingling

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As I stood in the kitchen flipping more toast in the egg batter, I couldn't help but think of the previous nights events. And I wasn't talking about the whole love thing, either. For now, I was putting the flower petal picking game of I love Him/I Love Him Not on hold while his parents were here.

Speaking of our new temporary roommates, I was also surprised by my offer for them to stay with us last night. Like, really surprised. The words shot out of my mouth before they even registered in my brain.

Funny thing was though, as I stood there with the three of them staring at me like I had four heads, I waited for the panic to set in. I was so sure that I was going to have some kind of inner freak out at the thought of his parents staying in the loft.

But it never came. What I did feel was actually the opposite. Offering them a safe haven after their hotel ordeal felt like the most incredibly right thing to do. And not just for them, but for Ollie. Even though he's told me repeatedly that I don't owe him for everything he's done for me, I felt like I did. I knew I did. That man has done so much for me—and I don't mean just while I've been in Paris. Starting from the day I freaked out in that coffee shop, he's always been there for me. No questions asked. Expecting nothing in return.

Shit. Offering for his parents to stay here didn't feel like enough of a thank you. I needed to think of something else I could do for him. My mind went over a ton of different I-owe-you gifts for Ollie as I made more French toast and came up with nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Well, at least one thing was going right. I meant what I said last night to Ollie about not having to worry about me. I was doing better. A lot better. I knew he thought differently because of the way I ran out of the gallery last night, but that was about the other thing that I wasn't thinking about.

As I went to put the batter soaked toast into the frying pan, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind. Then I felt his mouth brush against my neck.

"Good morning, beautiful."

There was no holding back my giant smile. "Good morning, yourself."

"How did you sleep?"

"Really, really good, actually."

His question had my mind jumping to the events of last night after he had returned home from helping his parents get their things from the hotel.

I stood in front of the large mirror in Ollie's bedroom as I removed my earrings and bracelet. Well, I guess it was our room now, wasn't it? After I made the offer for his parents to stay with us, he had me take his car back to the warehouse so I could get the loft ready for them while he rode with them to their hotel to retrieve their stuff.

So...I basically moved in with Ollie. I guess we've technically been doing that since I started sleeping in his bed every night, but it didn't feel official till I brought my things in here and they became intermingled with his. A little part of me was freaked out but because this step happened as a result of helping his parents, I guess it's softened the blow a little.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened and my eyes met Ollie's in the reflection of the mirror as he came into the room.

"Everything go okay?"

Slipping his hands in his pockets, he nodded as he started walking up behind me. "Yeah. The management was really nice. They refunded them and gave them two free nights to use at a later time. Since they were staying at one of the Hilton's here, they can use it even when they go back to the states."

"That's great." I took off my necklace and set it down next to my other jewelry on top of the dresser. I couldn't help but notice the way he was watching me intently. "Why are you looking at me like that?" When he just shook his head I pressed him some more. "No, tell me."

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now