3| Life Preservers

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"Give me your mouth, princess. I need more."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I allowed my head to get turned towards that deep voice that made me weak in the knees. God, I would never get tired of hearing it. Jackson kissed me languidly, refusing to be hurried as his tongue explored my mouth. As always, my body responded instantly. I became wet between my legs. My entire body was still on fire for him, even though we just made love. Twice.

"You're insatiable," I breathed against his lips, biting back a moan as he rubbed himself against me.

"You bring it out of me, princess. On my honor, it's all you." His eyes dropped briefly to my lips and he stroked my bottom one with his thumb. "What's wrong? I can tell something is on your mind."

Sometimes I hated how much he understood me. If my mood was off by just a smidge, he could tell. It was a good quality to have in a partner, but I didn't like him worrying about me. Especially when there wasn't anything he could do to fix it.

"I'm just thinking about Jamie."

"Have you spoken to her lately?"

Even though my parents were checking off the ABSENT box from my life, I was lucky enough that I didn't experience the loss of a mother. Not like Jackson, Karma, Lanie and Nate.

"I saw her at school briefly last week," I said softly to Jackson. "She said she was going home to rest. I've been trying to call her but haven't been able to reach her. I know she wants her space, but I'm worried."

"What about the others? Have you asked them if they've seen or spoken to her?"

Reaching for Jackson's hand, I laced my fingers with his. I needed his touch and warmth to soothe that nagging feeling in my gut that something was wrong. "I called Danielle and texted her this morning. I know she had a checkup appointment for Violet, so I'm waiting to hear back from her. Lanie and Karma haven't heard from Jamie, either. They're just as worried as I am."

"I'm sure she is just trying to work through it, princess. It's—" Jackson cleared his throat a few times before he could continue. "It's not easy. And for some people, it's hard to work through it with help."

I understood what he was saying, but that last part made me frown. "Are you saying that we should just let her go through this alone?"

"Not at all. I said that for some people it's hard. Like me and Karma." He shut his eyes briefly and kissed my hand. "If I didn't have you when I lost my mum...Let's just say I don't want to think about the man I would be today. And with Karma, I was the life preserver for her. I was the one who was able to help her get started with the healing process. I don't know why it was me, but it just was. Jamie has someone, too. We just need to figure out who it is."

The first person who popped into my head was Danielle. That's who Jamie was closest to. But something told me that that wasn't the correct answer. Who the hell was the life preserver that could keep her from drowning in this?


My eyes lifted to his. "Hmm?"

Brushing my hair back from my face he said, "Might I suggest something? I think it might help."

"Please do." Right now, I would take any advice.

"The four of you should go over to her place later for a girl's night. Take some of her favorite comfort snacks, movies, and things like that. Maybe it'll help her open up a little. Or at the very least, make her feel less alone through all this."

Damn. I was so lucky to have him. Overcome with emotion, I gave him a hard kiss. "I love you, Jackson Reese."

His self-satisfied smile was sexy as hell. "And I love you, my wife. Now..." He rolled me over so he was above me. That all too familiar flood of desire coursed it's way through my body. And when he thrust deep inside me, I arched against him, moaning as I took him deeper. "Since you'll be gone all night, princess, I need to have my fill of you before you leave."

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now