16| Calling Bluffs

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"I thought you were treating me to ice cream, Lovette. This isn't ice cream." 

My smile was unavoidable as I reached for my second cherry Danish. When we first left the loft, I had every intention of buying Ollie some ice cream. Because truth be told, I was a sore loser. But as we started walking towards the ice cream shop not too far from where we stayed, I couldn't ignore the aroma coming from my favorite place:  La Rose De Baguette

"No, it's not," I replied, and my smile got bigger. "It's better." I took a few more bites, savoring the fruity sweet flavor before I reached for my napkin and dabbed at the corners of my mouth. "I still can't believe we haven't run into each other here before that day in the loft. I mean, I've been here literally every day since I landed in Paris." 

"Only a day? Lovette, I've been here twice, sometimes three times a day. Paris has made me develop one helluva sweet tooth." 

My eyes roamed over his body. It sure didn't look like he ate a lot of sweets. If anything, he looked like he's been working out. Which was surprising since Ollie wasn't the gym type. He was the nerdy artist type. 

Of course, that didn't mean he didn't have a jaw dropping body that I happened to see partially naked one time in a certain hotel room a year ago.

And when I did see it? Holy. Fucking. Shit. 

That man had a physique that haunted my dreams over the past twelve months. At first, I tried to get him out of my head. Tried not to dream about him. But after my mom...

Let's just say I welcomed the subconscious distraction. The nights I dreamt of Ollie were the only ones where I got any sleep.

"You're drooling."

That deep voice ripped me from my very inappropriate thoughts and my eyes met his.


"You're drooling." A corner of his mouth lifted into a very sexy I-know-what-you're-thinking-about smile.
"Any you're staring. Should I ask what's going on in that head of yours?"


It took sheer willpower not to reach for a napkin and wipe my mouth again. Because I probably was drooling. "For your information, Ollie, I wasn't drooling. This Danish is just very delicious. And as for staring, I was only thinking about how you must have a really fast metabolism considering how much pasta and dessert you eat. Nothing more." 

"Right," he said with a chuckle before reaching for his coffee. "So, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"I don't know. Why? Do you want to cheat me while playing another board game?" 

Another one of those annoyingly sexy chuckles. "Sadly, no. I really have to try to get some work done tomorrow. If I don't come up with some new paintings soon, I might be the one looking for a place to stay." 

"Your boss wouldn't really do that to you, would he?" 

Jeez. I felt guilty enough about everything that's happened over the past year. Hell, maybe for more than that. I didn't need to add guilt for Ollie losing this big commission job or ending up on the street. 

"Nah," Ollie said with a shrug. I'm kidding. He might ride my ass, but he's a pretty good guy. As long as he doesn't have to push the art show, I should be fine." 

Something he said really caught my attention. My memory flashed to that day I was sitting at this very cafe, looking at my very expensive hotel receipt on my email when a young guy handed me a flyer for an upcoming art show. 

Running To Him - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 6Where stories live. Discover now