Happy Birthday, Scott!!!

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Waking up on Saturday morning Ana rolls out of bed groaning. While she didn't have a nightmare she still had trouble falling asleep fearing she'd have a nightmare. Ana walks to her dresser pulling out leggings, an old college shirt, and her running shoes. She puts Poppy's harness on, attaches her to leash, leaving the house to start her morning jog.

Ana was never interested in long distance running. She much preferred a quick run on the treadmill before she started her strength training. Her brothers insisted she start lifting weights, their reasoning, so in case she was attacked while away at school she would be able to kick ass. However, since the incident last year she started jogging to help clear her mind. And of course Poppy loved running next to her.

Once she was home Ana jumped in the shower and started to get ready for Scott's party. While she had some down time she started cleaning around the house while she had Criminal Minds on in the background. Slipping on a blue one piece bathing suit, throwing on her dad's Texas Longhorns rose bowl shirt, a pair of blue Jean shorts, and her sandals, Ana makes her way across the street. With Poppy at her side, Ana enters Scott and Steve's house. Immediately, she smells the bbq and hears the beat of music thumping outside. She makes her way outside, depositing Scott's gift on the table next to the door. As soon as Poppy sees Dodger she runs towards him. Both dogs quickly became besties while Scott watched Dodger since Chris was away. Scott spots Ana on the porch and runs straight to her engulfing her in a hug and spinning her around. Laughing, "Happy birthday, Scott!!"

Scott sets Ana down but before she can say anything else he immediately drags her over to two men who have their backs towards her. She observes that both men are at least over 6'0, both have well defined back muscles. But one man has brown fluffy hair while the other man has short jet black hair. Scott clears his throat causing the men to turn around. Ana instantly freezes refusing to move any further despite Scott tugging on her arm still. As Ana makes eye contact with Chris she see he's smirking at her causing her to look down and blush.

Chris and the unknown man take the remain steps towards Scott and Ana closing the distance. "Ana this is my brother Chris and his friend Jacob Reid." Blinking a few times to make sure she wasn't dreaming, Ana clears her throat "it's nice to meet y'all." Jacob instantly laughs, "y'all? What are you? a Texan?" Taking a step forward with her arms crossed, "yes I am a Texan, is that a problem with you?" Both Scott and Chris start laughing. Chris takes this time to speak "you're right Scott, she is a firecracker." Ana blushes at his comment and Chris steps forward wrapping her in a hug. "It's so great to finally meet you, Ana. Scott never shuts up about you." Ana let's out a small giggle, "it's great to meet you too. Although Scott doesn't seem to talk about you very much." This causes Chris to throw his head back laughing while grabbing his left peck.

Ana and Chris immediately start gravitating towards one another and joke around. Scott smiles knowing his plan is working but he also notices the way Jacob is looking at Ana. He's looking at her like she is his next meal to eat. Feeling uncomfortable with the way Jacob is watching Ana he starts to pull her away, "Well I better take her to Ma or she'll be mad Ana hasn't said hello to her yet." Ana quickly waves at both men before walking away with Scott toward Lisa, Steve, Carly, and Shanna.

Both men watch as Ana engages in conversation with Lisa and the girls. Jacob is the first to break the silence, "that girl is something else isn't she?" Chris laughs and turns to Jacob, "yeah, I think Scott is trying to set us up. He's always going on about how great she is. And just with the little interaction we had I can already tell she's something special." Jacob smirks while patting Chris on the back, "well I hate to tell ya pal but you have some competition." Chris furrows his brows, "what are you talking about?" Jacob laughs, "I'm telling you that I'm interested in her. I mean look at the ass on that girl." Chris scoffs "well I'm interested in her as well and I know Scott wants to set us up so I know he'll talk her into us getting to know one another better. And besides it's more than just looks to me that matters." Jacob stays silent for a moment pondering what he should do. He doesn't want to give up so easily because to him Ana looks like she could be a fun time. Finally, Jacob looks at Chris a ghost of a smirk gracing his face and says "care to make it interesting?"

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