Welcome to New York

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Ana and Chris woke up early Saturday morning. Poppy and Dodger were already at Scott's house since he would be taking care of them for the weekend. As Chris and Ana started getting dressed, she couldn't help but smile and think about the past few days with Chris.

They had spent every night together at her house. Chris liked being near her and when she was at work he would stay with Dodger and Poppy at her house. Things were moving fast but to them it felt natural. So natural that Chris had a draw for his clothes at her house. He already stated to clear space for her in his closet. He'd take them to his house once they got back from New York.

After double checking she had packed everything she would need Ana locked up. Chris held Ana's hand while he drove them to a private airfield. He wanted to spend the hour flight from Boston to New York without prying eyes so he charted a private plane.

While the pilot was going through their preflight checks Chris and Ana settled down in their seats. Ana was nervous, she hated flying, it was something that she'd always been afraid of. She blamed her brothers for her fear of flying since they forced her to watch Final Destination when she was a kid.

Chris sensed Ana's nervousness since her legged kept bouncing. He gently placed his hand on top of her knee to keep her still. Ana looked at Chris relief washing over her, "sorry, I'm a nervous flyer." He chuckled, "it's okay baby. I'll hold your hand." He grabbed her hand and placed a kiss to it. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

As they began to ascend Ana gripped Chris' hand tighter, her knuckles turning white. Chris chuckled once they leveled out and Ana loosened her grip on his hand. He ordered them both mimosas, since that was the only acceptable way to drink in the mornings. Chris knew he would need to talk to Ana about the paparazzi in New York.

He was thankful that they left him alone in Boston. Because of that him and Ana were able to live peacefully in their little bubble. But New York was different. He didn't want to keep Ana a secret but at the same time he wanted to protect her.

Once they had their drinks Chris turned to face Ana, "I need to talk to about what will happen once we are in New York." Ana nodded her head, she knew what he wanted to talk about. It hadn't slipped her mind that Chris would most likely be followed by paparazzi and fans while they were there. Ana knew this was his life and she was choosing to be apart of his it. So whatever he needed from her she would do. If pictures of them surfaced and he wanted to say she was just a friend she would be okay with it.

Ana knew his fans could go a little crazy every time he was linked to someone. She didn't worry too much about her social media pages because they were all private. It would only cause problems if they found out where she lived or worked.

Sighing Ana squeezed his hand, "do you want me to wear a disguise? Like a blonde wig?"

Chris laughed loudly, "no sweetheart, I don't want to hide you. I don't want to keep you a secret." He caressed her face, "I want the world to know you are mine but only if that's what you want."

Ana chewed on her lip thinking it all over. She wanted to be with Chris and she needed to accept that this was his life. She knew it wouldn't be easy and there would definitely be obstacles they would need to face. But as she looked into his baby blue eyes it made the madness all worth it.

She placed a kiss on Chris' lips and smiled, "as long as they respect our privacy. I don't want to be your secret." Chris let out a huge sigh of relief, "don't worry sweetheart. I'm going to release a statement later on asking for privacy." The remainder of the flight consisted of them talking. He showed her the trailer for The Gray Man that was set to be released in a few days.

Ana chuckled, "gotta say I'm loving you as a villain. First Lucas Lee, then Ransom, and now this. You should take on more villain roles." Chris laughed, "yeah it's different but I like it. Especially after playing Cap for a decade."

Ana smiled, "do you miss playing Cap?" Chris shook his head, "Not really, I played him for so long there was nothing left for his story." Ana debated asking the next question knowing it was a big debate but she couldn't help it, "did you like his ending.?"

Chris barked a laugh, "yes and no. I think it was good for him to do something for himself. But at the same time I think he could have had a better ending." Ana nodded her head in agreement. "My nephews hated your ending because you left Bucky." He laughed, "well maybe I can make it up to them some day."

Ana looked at Chris in shock, "what do you mean? Like you want to meet my family?" Chris smirked, "you've met mine only seems fair." She rolled her eyes, "well that would require a trip to Texas and I haven't been there in over a year." She started to spiral, going back to Texas was a huge deal. There was still a lot of pain there. Things Chris didn't know about.

Chris sensed Ana started to freak out and kissed her forehead, "hey, I do want to meet them. But if you're not ready it doesn't have to be any time soon." Ana sighed, "it's not that I don't want you to meet them. Because I do. It's just there is a lot of pain I still associate with being back in Texas. I don't think I'm ready to go back just yet." Chris nodded his head, his eyes filled with sadness.

The pilot announced they were about to descend so they both buckled up. Ana grabbed Chris's hand again as she felt the plane descend.

Walking off the plane with Chris placing a hand on the small of her back he whispered in her ear, "Welcome to New York."

Ana squealed and threw herself into Chris's arms. They kissed before breaking away to get into the waiting car. Their luggage already in the trunk. They made their way into the madness that was NYC streets but Ana loved it.

They barely made it into their room before Ana flung herself at Chris. He laughed catching her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. They passionately kissed as he made their way to the bed. He tossed her on the bed as she giggled. Removing his shirt and jeans he crawled on the bed towards her. He placed a kiss up and down her neck and shoulder.

He briefly pulled away as he realized they hadn't been using condoms, "erm baby, I hate to ruin the moment but we haven't been using protection." Ana laughed, "don't worry, I get the shot. So I'm good." Chris sighed in relief, "thank fuck." And proceeded to peel her clothes off. Moans soon filled their room as them made love to each other. It was just the start of the fun that Chris had planned for Ana.

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