Autum leaves falling likes pieces into place

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Ana woke up the next morning wrapped in Chris's arms. She smiled as she turned to face him. He was still asleep so she studied his angelic face. Yesterday had taken a toll on the both of them.

Ana's past was now public knowledge. People knew about her attack. It hurt her that someone was able to dig into her life and expose her private information. Chris blamed himself.

He expressed to Ana his worries about her leaving him. But Ana put his mind at ease when she told him she wasn't going anywhere. She still saw the worry etched his in face though. But now as she watched him sleep it was if all his worries slipped away. She brushed some of his hair back from his face.

Chris started to stir at her touch. He opened his eyes to meet her beautiful brown eyes.

"Morning gorgeous." His voice was still thick with sleep.

Ana grinned, "morning handsome."

Chris leaned over and kissed her. She smiled into the kiss as he cupped the back of her neck to deepen the kiss.

Once he pulled away he sighed, "we should talk more about what's going to happen now that everything is out."

Ana groaned, "okay, well you're the expert here. Tell me what to expect."

Chris sat up against the headboard, "well now that people know who you are you will mostly likely be followed. Maybe not so much here in Boston because they respect me here." He smirked as he saw Ana roll her eyes. "But if we are out like in New York or L.A then we'll definitely be followed. And people will definitely be looking into your social media. It's up to you if you want to keep your accounts private or not. But I know that they won't stop bothering you."

Ana was quiet for a moment and then nodded her head. Chris could tell her mind was in overdrive. He grabbed her hand and started stroking the back of her hand. "Tell me what's on your mind."

Ana chewed on her lip before letting out a long sigh.

"It's just yesterday there were a lot of comments online about me..." tears started pricking her eyes. "About my body.." Ana started to fidget. The urge to cut was at the front of her mind. Chris didn't know but she had packed her razor blade when she was gathering her things. It was like the razor was a security blanket to her.

She hated that it was always an instinct to cut when she felt ashamed of herself. Despite her therapy the urge would always be there

Chris cupped her face and wiped a few tears that had fallen. "Sweetheart, don't let them get to you. The ones that say those things are only projecting their own insecurities." He moved one hand down to the inside of her thighs that had her scars. "Please don't add any more of these. I know how your mind gets when you start to feel insecure. You're gorgeous." He placed a kiss to her lips. "And you have a great ass." He moved his hand to cup her butt as she giggled.

Ana smirked, "so it's true. You are an ass man."

Chris chuckled, "I suppose so. But seriously, you're everything I have ever dreamed of. I know we've only known each other for a little over a month but I feel like I've known you longer than that. Maybe it's because Scott never stopped talking about you. But also I felt an instant connection the moment I met you."

Ana smiled at Chris, "I felt the same way when I met you. It's like there was this invisible string tying me to you."

Chris pulled Ana onto his lap, making her straddle him. He waisted no time in kissing her. He moved his hands up from her thighs to her butt, squeezing it, before moving his hands up her back and finally tangling his hands into her hair.

Ana moaned into Chris mouth as she felt his hands move up her body. She started grinding on him and felt him harden underneath her. She tugged on his hair before pulling away.

Ana chuckled as she tried to catch her breath. She placed two small kisses on his lips before getting off the bed. Chris groaned and tried to pull her back to bed.

Ana laughed, "as much as I would love for this to continue I need to brush my teeth. I hate kissing with morning breath."

Chris barked out a laugh, "I guess that's fair. I'll join you." They made there way into the bathroom. After they were done Chris lifted Ana on top of the bathroom counter. His lips hovered over hers, "now where were we." She giggled before he crashed his lips to hers.
An hour later Chris and Ana were sitting down eating breakfast.

Chris cleared his throat as he set his fork down, "So there is something I want to discuss with you."

Ana raised her eyebrows, "what about?"

Chris lightly chuckled, "well it's about your birthday..."

Ana rolled her eyes, "What exactly do you want to discuss?"

"Well don't you want to do something?"

Ana shrugged, "well I don't really know what to do. I always just went to dinner with my family. It's hard to celebrate yourself when people are busy asking for candy at strangers doors." She smirked at him.

Chris laughed, "you mean to tell me you've never thrown a Halloween/birthday party?!"

Ana giggled, "well if my birthday fell on a weekend then yes we had a party but if it was a weekday then it was dinner at the Cheesecake Factory." She smiled at the memory of her brothers and her fighting over which cheesecake to get.

"Well I would like to throw you a party. And We will celebrate you AND Halloween."

Ana sighed, "it's really not necessary Chris."

Chris shook his head, "Yes it is. You're my girlfriend and I'm throwing you a party."

Ana giggled, "fine...but I have to tell you I don't want to do couples costumes. I find them to be cringey."

Chris laughed, "that's fine with me. I'm not one to dress up too much."

Ana leaned in to kiss him, "I'm kinda excited now."

Chris grabbed her face to keep her from moving away, "Good, cause I've already started planning it."

Ana laughed. She never felt so connected to someone before. Even though she dated her ex since high school he never made her feel as great or as loved as Chris made her feel.

She was hopelessly in love with him.

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