A Bet Is Made

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"Care to make it interesting?"

Chris gives Jacob a hard look, "what are you saying?" Jacob continues to stare at Ana as she makes her way towards the pool. She jumps in with Scott as they splash the kids.

"I'm saying" Jacob starts while looking back to Chris, "let's make a bet. See who she'll sleep with first. Then we'll know who she's interested in." Chris scoffs, "'No way! We aren't in high school anymore." Sighing, Jacob looks back towards Ana, "come on, it's not like anyone is going to get hurt. It's just a little fun."

Shaking his head Chris pushes Jacob further away from the party guests. "First, this isn't like high school. I don't want nor need your money. And there isn't anything of yours that I would want anyway. I want to get to know Ana on a deeper level than just sex. I can tell she's special."

Jacob plasters on his shit-eating grin with what he's about to say next. He knows as soon as the words leave his mouth Chris will cave. "Not even for my dad's 1993 Mercedes Benz 300SL? You've had your eyes on that car since he first bought it and now it's mine."

Chris looks down at the ground contemplating everything going on in his mind. He starts rubbing the back of his neck as he looks up towards Ana. She's in the pool playing Marco Polo with Scott, Steve, and the kids. Regardless he was planning on getting to know Ana more. He didn't like the fact that he would have Jacob also trying to win over her affection. The thought of Jacob and Ana together intimately filled Chris with jealousy and rage. He was certain Ana wouldn't find Jacob charming given the attitude she gave him earlier. She'd never have to find out.

"Say you won, what would you want from me?" Jacob smirks knowing he has Chris on the line. "Well, I've always been fond of your L.A house." Chris shakes his head, "You can't have my house, those two things don't even compare in price." "Okay then let's make a trade. If I win I get your Aston Martin. If you win you get the benz."

Chris stares at Ana as she continues to play with the kids now joined by Dodger and another dog he's never seen before. He smiles as he hears her laugh as the dogs try to bite the water. He's already so enamored with her. The way the sun shines on her light brown hair almost making it seem like it's blonde. The way her eyes sparkle as Stella climbs on her back hugging her. The way her bathing suit clings to her curves. He can already see him gripping her hips as she straddles him. The thought of touching her instantly makes his cock twitch.

No one would get hurt because he was certain he'd win. He knew she was attracted to him just by the way she blushed when they first met. And they way they gravitated towards each other and started joking around as if they were old friends. He felt her heart beat quicken as he hugged her the same way his heart beat quickened. He knew his decision.

"Okay. Deal" Chris extends his hand towards Jacob shaking on it. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist owning the Benz."

Chris just hoped this wouldn't back fire on him. He knew he would hate himself for the rest of his life if he hurt her.

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