Magic, Madness, Heaven, Sin

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"Happy Birthday sweetheart..." Chris whispered in Ana's ear. She smiled and snuggled closer into him.

Her face pressed against his neck as she got comfortable. She placed a kiss to his neck.

"Come on, you gotta get up."

Ana groaned, "five more minutes."

Chris leaned down to place a kiss on Ana's shoulder, "Nope. You gotta get up, love."

Chris pulled the covers off of Ana and laughed as he heard her groan.

She huffed as she glared at Chris but before she walked into the bathroom she blew him a kiss and a wink. Chris chuckled as he went downstairs.

By the time she made it downstairs Chris was plating waffles, bacon, and eggs. Ana smiled and threw her arms around him as soon as he set the plates down.

Chris chuckled, "happy birthday, love."

Ana blushed, "thank you, Chris."

Once they sat the down to eat Chris started going over the day he planned for Ana. He kept Ana in the dark about the party he was planning for her. While she knew there was going to be a party she didn't know all the details. Chris also refused to tell Ana what his costume was. But that was fine with Ana since she wanted to keep her costume a secret too.

After they were done eating Chris gathered their dishes and placed them in the sink. He still had a couple of hours before his sisters and Annie arrived to take Ana for a spa day.

Chris grabbed Ana's hand and pulled her flush against him."I have a present for you." His voice was laced with lust.

Ana smirked up at him, "Oh? Does the present require us to both be in our birthday suits?"

Chris moaned as he felt Ana rub his already hard cock through his sweatpants. He crashed his lips to hers pushing his tongue into her mouth. He pulled away just enough to pull off her shirt. Clothes started to litter the floor as they made they way towards the bedroom.

Chris picked Ana up as  she wrapped  her legs around his waist. When they made it back to the bedroom he lowered her on bed. Their hands roamed over each other's bodies. He cupped  her breasts as she moaned into his mouth.

He trailed kisses down her body. He made sure to kiss her scars. Something he always did whenever they had sex. It made Ana feel cared for every time he did that.

His placed a kiss on her clothed core enticing a moan from Ana. He made  his way back up towards Ana hovering over her. Both of their eyes were blown with lust. Their breathing heavy. Chris continued to caress her body.

"I wanna try something with you..." his voice was barely above a whisper. The idea was something they fully hadn't discussed yet but there was a brief mention of it a while ago.

Ana bit her lip, she had a feeling she knew what Chris was thinking. The thought alone made her shiver in anticipation. She nodded her head in agreement. Chris grinned and gave her a quick kiss before getting off the bed.

He went to his drawer and pulled out a blindfold and one of his ties.

As he walked back to the bed he saw the desire in Ana's eyes but also sensed some hesitation.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Ana nodded, "I'm sure."

Chris leant down to kiss her, "do you wanna use any safe words?" They weren't going to do anything too extreme. It was something Ana had expressed interest in and Chris was more than willing to help her explore it.

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