This Night is Sparkling

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As the sky turned dark, Steve started a bonfire in the backyard. Everyone around the fire were separated into small groups talking. Ana looking up towards the night sky and thought about her family. Growing up in the hill country, nights like these were a regular occurrence for her. Her parents would start a bonfire and they would stargaze. Her dad even bought them a telescope, something Ana had asked for since she was 5.

Ana looked back towards the fire and noticed Chris was staring at her. She gave him a small smile while he made his way towards her. Ana motioned her arm to the empty chair next to her inviting him to sit down. Chris subtly moved the chair closer to her as he sat down. "You looked like you were lost in thought." Ana gave a small laugh, "yeah I was just thinking about my family. We used to do this kind of thing all the time." Chris noticed the way Ana peeled the beer label off with her thumb while talking. "What made you move to Boston?" Ana looked at the ground before looking back at Chris. Shrugging, "I just needed a fresh start and I knew Mark and Taylor were opening a law firm here."

Chris could tell there was more to the story of needing a fresh start but didn't want to push her any further. Instead, Chris gently grabbed her arm he noticed a small tattoo in the crook of her arm. Ana's breath hitched as Chris' finger traced her tattoo, she felt as if her body was on fire with his touch. "What does this mean?" To him it looked like a signature but he wasn't sure. Ana was flustered. She took a moment to steady her breathing before she could reply. "It's my dad's signature. I got it as soon as I turned 18." Chris continued to trace the signature, "what happened to him?"

Ana pulled her arm back, "he erm... he died when I was 7." Chris grabbed her hand, "Ana I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to overstep." Shaking her head, "it's fine Chris. It was 20 years ago." She gave him a small smile before changing the subject. "So how long are you home for?" Chris takes a sip of his beer before answering, "I'll be home for a few weeks then I'll go on a press tour for 'The Gray Man'."

Ana smirks at Chris. "Oh, the movie you had to grow a mustache for?" Chris chuckled, "yup. Why? You aren't a fan of the mustache?". This causes to Ana laugh, "actually, I'm quite fond of the mustache." Ana smirks at Chris while looking at him as she takes a sip of her beer. Chris placed his hand on her knee, "well maybe I'll grow it back. Since you're so fond of it." He begins to rub circles on her knee with his thumb. Ana breath hitches as she makes eye contact with Chris.

They continue to stare at one another not saying a word. Both of their heart beats quicken as each minute passes by. Chris starts to lean towards her while starts to feel the heat spread to all over her body. She begins to lean in all while thoughts flood through her mind, "holy shit. Is this really happening? Am I about to kiss Chris? Is Chris about to kiss me! Shit, I hope Scott isn't looking." Before anything else could happen a frisbee flys between them forcing them to jump back. Dodger and Poppy are right behind chasing the frisbee. Ana and Chris turn towards the direction of where the dogs came from looking at Jacob as he laughs walking towards them.

"Sorry, the dogs wanted to play catch and I just threw it not paying attention to where it was going." Jacob smirks at Chris. Chris knows he did it on purpose but he can't say anything. Ana chuckled, "it's fine, I know how persistent Poppy can be when she wants to play." Chris looks back at Ana, "whose Poppy?" Pointing at the her dog playing with Dodger, "that's Poppy.  Chris nods his head, "oh I was wondering whose dog that was." "Yeah, Poppy and Dodger are actually the reason why Scott and I became friends."

Chris breaks into a wide eyed smile "for real? How'd that happen?" Ana laughs, "well I was walking Poppy around the neighborhood trying to familiarize myself with it. When Dodger comes running at us and their leashes got tangled up which caused me to fall on my ass." Chris and Jacob laugh at this, although Jacob laughs a little too loud. Ana gives him a side way glance before continuing, "Scott laughed while helping me up, offering to continue to walk with me. That's how we found out we were neighbors." Ana smiles at the memory while Chris smiles knowing Dodger was the reason why this beautiful woman was now in his life.

As the party started to wind down Ana decided to call it a night. She had stayed later than she planned to, mostly because her and Chris couldn't stop talking to one another. She admitted to him that The Losers was her comfort movie. But made she to tell him it was mostly because of Jeffery Dean Morgan. That got Chris to laugh but he had a feeling he himself was another reason why she loved it.

Walking up to Scott, Ana wraps her arms around his toros giving him a hug. "Happy birthday, Scott. I love you." Scott looks down at Ana, "I bet you love me more after introducing you to Chris." Ana blushes looking down before mumbling, "I don't know what you're talking about." Scott walks Ana to the door and gives her a kiss on her cheek. Before Ana can leave Chris runs up to her, "I was wondering if I could walk you to your door."

Scott immediately answers for Ana, "of course you can." and shoves the pair outside. "Well that was weird." Chris laughs, "aren't Scott and weird practically the same thing." Shaking her head and laughing Ana starts walking across the street with Chris next to her. All too soon they are at her door. They stare at the ground neither knowing what to do. Ana sighs, "well, I guess I'll see you around." Chris looks at Ana contemplating what to say, "can I have your number?" Ana's eye go wide for a second before she composes herself. She nods and Chris hands her his phone. Ana quickly punches in her number and then starts to unlock the door. But Chris grabs her wrist turning her around and engulfing her in a hug. "I'm really glad I met you, Ana." She smiles, "I'm glad I met you too." With that they wish each other a good night and Chris heads back to Scott's house.

As Ana lays in bed she replays the entire night. She can still feel his hand on her knee while his thumb runs circles on it, she can feel his fingers tracing her tattoo. But the moment that continuously replays in her mind is the moment where they almost kissed. Ana never felt a spark like that. Not even with her first boyfriend, who was her first love but also the man who caused her to leave Texas. Ana rolls towards the window looking at the night sky. She fell asleep dreaming of those clear blue eyes and that captivating smile.

This night was truly sparkling.

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