We Learn to Live with the Pain

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Trigger Warning: assault



Ana watched in fear as Erick paced back and forth in the kitchen with the knife in his hand.


Ana took a deep breath before answering, "I didn't do this on purpose, Erick." She tried to remain calm not wanting him to attack her. "You and I both know the pill is not 100% effective."

Erick scoffed, "SO YOU ARE SAYING ITS MY FAULT??" He took a step towards her as she took a step back.

"I'm just saying that accidents happen. Besides the second line is so faint maybe I'm not even pregnant." She placed a hand on her stomach. If there was a chance she was, she needed to protect her baby.

Erick stopped pacing and looked at Ana. He saw the fear in her eyes as he walked towards her. In his drug induced mind, he knew he fucked up.

"I'm sorry, this is just a really bad time that's all." He lowered his hand but still held onto the knife.

Ana slowly took a step towards him, "hey, it's okay. We'll get you help again. I'm not going anywhere." She reached toward his hand holding the knife. That was her mistake.

A switch flipped in Erick as he saw Ana reach for his knife. Thinking she was going to use it on him he quickly plunged the knife into her abdomen. He saw her eyes widen and he looked down as the blood started soaking her shirt.

He let go of the knife, pushed passed Ana, and ran.

Ana gasped for air as she tried to hold the knife in place. She knew better than to pull the knife out. She looked for her phone, but her vision started to blur. The last thing Ana heard was Poppy barking. She fell to the ground as darkness consumed her.


Ana jolted awake sweating and crying. Shit, she thought to herself. She hadn't had a nightmare in a while. She jumped as she felt an arm wrap around her waist. She looked and saw Chris sitting up with her.

"Are you okay, baby?" His voice was groggy from still being half asleep.

Ana nodded, "I'm fine. Go back to sleep."

Chris heard the shakiness in her voice he cupped her cheek, "baby, talk to me. I know something is wrong."

Ana sighed, she laid back down with Chris and rested her head on his chest. "I had a nightmare from the night I was stabbed. It's been a while since I've had one." She traced the tattoos that were scattered over Chris's body.

He gently stroked her hair, "I'm sorry baby. Do you want to talk about it?" He felt Ana shake her head, "not really. I just want you to hold me."

He smiled and placed a kiss on top of her head, "you got it babe." She chuckled and snuggled closer into Chris. Sleep quickly took over them both.

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